1: Lord My Desire

Lord my desire, is to be like You.

Say the things You say,

do the things You do.

Let me hear Your still voice,

through all the other noise.

So that I can be,

just what You want me to be.

2: I Am Mine No More

I am mine no more,

I am mine no more,

I've been bought with blood,

I am mine no more.

Jesus is my Lord,

Jesus is my Lord,

And He rules my life,

Jesus is my Lord.

He will come again,

He will come again,

And He'll take me home,

He will come again.

3: Make Me New

Make me new, Lord Jesus, make me new.

For it seems that in so many ways I'm

not enough like you.

Take this...weary vessel I am in,

And mold me once again.

Take my life, take my spirit, make me new.

4: Worthy Is The Lamb

(Boys) Worthy is the Lamb...

(Girls echo) Worthy is the Lamb...

(Boys) Worthy is the Lamb...

(Girls echo) Worthy is the Lamb...

(Boys) Worthy is the Lamb...

(Girls echo) He is the Lamb...

(Together) Worthy is the Lamb.

5: A Common Love

A common love for each other,

A common gift to the Savior,

A common bond holding us to the Lord.

A common strength when we're weary,

A common hope for tomorrow,

A common joy in the truth of God's word.

6: Blue Skies and Rainbows

Blue skies and rainbows and sunbeams from heaven,

are what I can see when my Lord is living in me


Jesus is well and alive today

He makes His home in my heart

Never more will I be all alone since He

Promised me that we never would part.

Green grass and flowers all blooming in springtime

Are works of the Master I live for each day.


Tall mountains, green valleys, the beauty that surrounds me,

All make me aware of the One who made it all


7: I Will Call Upon The Lord

I will call upon the Lord (echo)

Who is worthy to be praised. (echo)

So shall I be safe from my enemies. (echo)


The Lord liveth and blessed be the Rock

And let the God of my salvation be exalted.

The Lord liveth and blessed be the Rock

And let the God of my salvation be exalted.

Jesus Christ He died for me (echo)

And He took away my sin (echo)

I will live with Him for eternity (echo)


8: Make Me A Servant

Make me a servant, Lord make me like you,

For you are a servant, make me one too.

Make me a servant, do what You must do,

To make me a servant, make me like You.

To be a servant, to be just lke You.

I humble my spirit, I bow before you.

Mold me and make me, after Thy will

While I am waiting, yielded and still.

9: We Get To Praise The Lord

We get to praise the Lord, Hallelu,

I don't care what the devil's gonna do,

Because the word of faith is my sword and shield

And Jesus is the Lord of the way I feel.

10: Unto Thee Oh Lord

Unto thee oh Lord, Do I lift up my soul.

Unto thee oh Lord, Do I lift up my soul.


Oh, my God, I trust in Thee,

Oh let me not be ashamed,

Let not my enemies triumph over me.

Remember not, the sins of my youth.

Remember not, the sins of my youth.


Yea let none that wait, on Thee be ashamed.

Yea let none that wait, on Thee be ashamed.


11: Would You Be Poured Out?

Would you be poured out like wine upon the altar for me?

Would you be broken like bread to feed the hungry?

Would you be so one in me that You may do just as I will?

Would you be light, and life, and love my word fulfill?

Yes, I'll be poured out like wine upon the altar for you.

Yes, I'll be broken like bread to feed the hungry.

Yes, I'll be so one in you that I may do just as you will.

Yes, I'll be light, and life, and love your word fulfill.

12: Bind Us Together Lord


Bind us together Lord; bind us together with chords that cannot be broken.

Bind us together Lord; bind us together Lord,

Bind us together with love.

There is only one Lord,

There is only one King,

There is only one Body,

That is why we can sing...


13: You Are The Words And The Music

You are the words and the music,

You are the song that I sing,

You are the melody, You are the harmony,

Praise to your name I will bring.

You are the Lord of Lords,

You are the mighty God,

You are the King of all Kings,

so now I give back to you the song that you gave to me,

You are the song that I sing.


14: Have You Seen Jesus My Lord?


Have you seen Jesus my Lord; He's here in plain

view. Take a look, open your eyes, He'll show it to


Have you ever stood at the ocean,

With the white foam at your feet;

Felt the endless thundering motion?

Then I say you've seen Jesus my Lord.


Have you ever stood at the sunset,

With the sky, mellowing red;

Seen the clouds suspended like feathers?

Then I say you've seen Jesus my Lord.


Have you ever stood in the family,

With the Lord there in your midst;

Seen the face of Christ on your brother?

Then I say you've seen Jesus my Lord.


Have you ever stood at the cross,

With the man hanging in pain;

Seen the face of Christ on your brother?

Then I say you've seen Jesus my Lord.


15: Without Him

Without Him I would be nothing.

Without Him I'd surely fail.

Without Him I would be drifting,

Like a ship without a sail.


Jesus, my Jesus. Do you know Him today?

Please don't turn Him away.

Oh Jesus, my Jesus. Without Him, how lost I would be.

Without Him I would be dying.

Without Him I'd be enslaved.

Without Him life would be hopeless,

But with Jesus, thank God, I'm saved


16: God Will Make A Way

God will make a way

Where there seems to be now way,

He works in ways we cannot see,

He will make a way for me.

He will be my guide,

Hold me closely to His side,

With love and strength for each new day,

He will make a way, He will make a way.

17: Sing And Be Happy

If the skies above you are gray,

You are feeling so blue.

If your cares and burdens seem great

All the whole day thru,

There's a silver lining that shines

In that heavenly land,

Look by faith and see it my friend,

Trust in His promises grand.


Sing and you'll be happy today,

Press along to the goal,

Trust in Him who leadeth the way,

He is keeping your soul;

Let the world know where you belong,

Look to Jesus and pray,

Lift your voice and praise Him in song,

Sing and be happy today.

Oft we fail to see the rainbow

Up in heaven's fair sky,

When it seems the fortunes of earth

Frown and pass us by,

There are things we know that are worth

More than silver and gold,

If we hope and trust Him each day,

We shall have pleasures untold.


18: Thank You Lord

Thank you Lord for loving me,

Thank you Lord for blessing me

Thank you Lord for making me whole

And saving my soul


Thank you Lord for loving me

Thank you Lord for saving my soul.

Let us all with one accord

Sing praises to Christ the Lord

Let us all unite in song to praise

Him all day long.


Please reveal your will to me

So I can serve you for eternity

Use my life in every way

Take hold of it today.


19: Sing Hallelujah

(Guys) Sing Hallelujah to the Lord (girls repeat)

(Guys) Sing Hallelujah to the Lord (girls repeat)

(Guys) Sing Hallelujah, Sing Hallelujah

(Girls same time) Hallelujah,

(Guys) Sing Hallelujah to the Lord (girls repeat)

Other Verses:

Jesus is Lord of Heaven and Earth...

Jesus is Living in His Church...

He's coming back to claim His own...

Sing Hallelujah to the Lord...

20: Humble Thyself

(Guys) Humble yourself if the sight of the Lord (Girls repeat)

(Guys) Humble yourself if the sight of the Lord (Girls repeat)

And He Will lift You up!

Jesus is the Son of God

He died to set us free.

Amazing grace how sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me.

I once was lost but now I'm found

Was blind, but now, I see.

(Repeat the first verse)

21: Rejoice In The Lord Always

Rejoice in the Lord always,

And again I say rejoice.


Rejoice, rejoice, And again I say rejoice


Rejoice in the Lord always,

And again I say rejoice.

22: Someday


Someday, someday, someday, someday.


Peace and joy and happiness,

No more sorrow, someday.


Gotta be ready when He calls my name,

Gotta be ready when He calls my name,

Gotta be ready when He calls my name,



Trumpets will sound and all the dead shall

rise and walk the streets of gold someday

23: He Is Able

He is able, more than able to accomplish

what concerns me today.

He is able, more than able to handle

anything that comes my way.

He is able, more than able to do much

more than I could ever dream,

He is able, more than able to make

me what He wants me to be

24: Seek Ye First

Seek ye first the kingdom of God,

and his righteousness,

And all these things shall be added unto you,

Singing Hallelu, Hallelujah!


(Guys repeat verse and girls sing)


Hallelujah, Hallelujah,

Hallelujah, Hallelujah,

Hal-le-lu-jah, Hal-le-lu-jah!

Ask and it shall be given unto you,

Seek and ye shall find,

Knock nad the door shall be opened unto you,

Singing Hallelu, Hallelujah!


Man shall not live by bread alone,

But by every word

That proceeds from the mouth of God,

Singing Hallelu, Hallelujah!


25: Whose Side Are You Living On


Tell me whose side are you living on?



I'm living on the Lord's side.


I'm living, I'm living,

I'm living, I'm living,

I'm living on the Lord's side.


Other Verses:

Singing, Praying, Working,

Fighting, Dying, Living

26: Come, Let Us Worship And Bow Down

Come, let us worship and bow down;

Let us kneel before th Lord

Our God our maker.


For He is our God,

And we are the people of his pasture

And the sheep of His hand,

And the sheep of His hand.

27: Oh Fill My Cup

Oh fill my cup let it overflow

Oh fill my cup let it overflow

Oh fill my cup let it overflow

Let it overflow with love.

Amazing Grace How sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me.

I once was lost but now I'm found

Was blind but now I see.

When we've been there ten thousand years,

Bright shining as the sun

We've no less days to sing God's praise

Than when we first begun.

Oh fill my cup let it overflow

Oh fill my cup let it overflow

Oh fill my cup let it overflow

Let it overflow with love.

28: Pierce My Ear

Pierce my ear, O Lord my God.

Take me to your door this day.

For I will serve no other god.

Lord, I'm here to stay.

For you have paid the price for me.

With your blood you ransomed me.

And I will serve you eternally,

A free man I'll never be.

29: The Lord Has A Will


The Lord has a will, and I have a need

To follow that will, to humbly be still,

To rest in it, nest in it, fully be blessed in it,

Following my Father's will.

I need you Lord, in all I do,

You're always there to see me through.

I can't get by unless I lean on you Lord.


Your law of love is in my heart

You wrote it there in won't depart,

It lights my way

And keeps me out of the dark.


I thank you Lord; your word is sown

Into my heart and there it's grown.

Its roots are deep

Where living waters are known.


30: As The Deer

AS the deer pants for the water,

So my soul longs after You.

You alone are my heart's desire

And I long to worship You.

You alone are my strength, my shield,

To You alone may my spirit yield;

You alone are my heart's desire

And I long to worship You.

You're My Friend and You are my Brother

Even though you are my King.

I love You more than any other

So much more than anything.

You alone are my strength and shield,

To You alone my my spirit yield;

You alone are my heart's desire

And I long to worship You.

I want You more than gold or silver,

Only You can satisfy.

You alone are the real joy-giver

And the apple of my eye.

You alone are my strength, my shield,

To You alone may my spirit yield;

You alone are my heart's desire

And I long to worship you

31: Oh Lord I Thought The Day Would Never Come

O Lord I thought, the day would never come,

When I could lay my burdens down and walk with you.

This morning as I greet the rising sun,

The fondest of my dreams, Have all come true.


The greatest fried you'll ever find

is on a lonely mountain,

The highest high you'll ever reach is when you kneel to pray,

The brightest light you'll ever see is

when you close your eyes.

Oh Lord you are my first love, At last I realize.

Oh Lord I need a mountain to climb on.

Just a quiet place to go and know you're there.

Oh Lord I need to spend some time with you,

Jesus spent the night with you in prayer.

(Chorus and repeat last line)

32: Come Let Us Sing

Come let us sing, with joy to the Lord,

Let us shout aloud,

To the rock of our salvation.

Let us come before Him with thanksgiving,

And extol Him with music and song.

For the Lord is a great God,

A great king above all gods,

In His hands are the depths of the earth,

And the mountain peaks belong to Him,

The sea is His, He made it,

And His hands formed the dry land.

33: Father

(Girls echo)

Father, take my life, And Father, lead my life.

I want to be, close to you, More in love with you.

Father, show me now, How You love me,

and show me how You died for me,

You'll always want, Me to be close to you.

34: We've Got


Love, love the Lord your God

With all your heart,

And all your soul and all your mind,

And love all of mankind as you

Would love yourself;


And love... the Lord your God

With all your heart,

And all your soul and mind,

And love all mankind;


We've got, Christian lives to live

We've got, Jesus' love to give,

We've got nothing to hide,

Because in Him we abide...

35: I Love You Lord

I Love you Lord, And I lift my voice,

To worship you, O my soul rejoice,

Take joy my King, In what you hear,

Let it be a sweet, sweet sound

In your ear

36: Our God, He Is Alive

There is, beyond the azure blue

A God, concealed from human sight.

He tinted skies with heav'nly hue

And framed the worlds with His great might


There is a God, He is alive,

In Him we live, and we survive;

From dust our God created man,

He is our God, the great I AM.

Our God, whose Son upon a tree,

A life was willing there to give,

that He from sin might set man free,

And evermore wth Him could live.


37: This Is The Day

This is the day that the Lord hath made,

I will rejoice and be exeedingly glad,

I will lift up mine eyes, from whence cometh my help.

When it's coming from the Lord great God Almighty

it'll never fail.



Can't help but tell what he's done for me,

How he lifted my soul And gave me the victory


Set my footsteps to walkin' right,

Gave me eyes to see the light,

This is the day that the Lord hat made.

So let the heavens rejoice

Let the earth be glad

Let the hills roll forth

Let the seas roll back



So let the church (rejoice)

So let the church (rejoice)

So let the church (rejoice)

And be exceedingly glad

This is the Day that the Lord hath mad.

(Repeat from girls solo)

38: Pass It On

It only takes a spark to get a fire going,

And soon all those around can warm up to its glowing.

THat's how it is with God's love,

Once you've experienced it.

You spread His love, to everyone,

You want to pass it on.

I wish for you my friend,

this happiness that I've found.

You can depend on Him,

it matters not where you're bound.

I'll shout it from the mountain top

I want my world to know.

The Lord of love has come to me.

I want to pass it on.

(Repeat last four lines)

39: In Moments Like These

In moments like these I sing out a song,

I sing out a love song to Jesus.

In moments like these I lift up my voice,

I lift up my voice to the Lord.


Singing I Love You Lord,

Singing I Love You Lord,

Singing I Love You Lord... I Love You.

In moments like these I sing out His praise,

I sing out the praise of my Savior.

In moments like these I lift up my hands,

I lift up my hands to the Lord.


40: King Of Kings

King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Glory, hallelujah!

King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Glory, hallelujah!

Jesus, Prince of Peace, Glory, hallelujah!

Jesus, Prince of Peace, Glory, hallelujah!

41: You Are My All In All

All sing Verse 1.

Men sing Verse 2 while Women sing Chorus.

Men sing Chorus while Women sing Verse 3.

All sing Chorus.


(1) You are my strength when I am weak,

You are the treasure that I seek,

You are my all in all.

Seeking you as a precious jewel

Lord to give up I'd be a fool,

You are my all in all.


Jesus, Lamb of God, Worthy is your name,

Jesus, Lamb of God, Worthy is your name.

(2) Taking my sin, my cross, my shame,

Rising again I praise your name,

You are my all in all.

When I am down you pick me up,

When I am dry you fill my cup,

You are my all in all.

(3) When the dark pow'rs had done their worst,

Jesus brought victory ov'r their curse,

He is our all in all.

Death could not hold the King of kings,

Now to His heirs new life He brings,

He is our all in all.

42: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,

Look full in His wonderful face.

And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,

In the light of His glory and grace.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,

Look full in His wonderful face.

And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,

In the light of His glory and grace.

And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,

In the light of His glory and grace.

43: Highest Place

We place You (We place You) on the highest place.

For You (For You) are the great high Priest; (are the great High Priest)

We place You (We place You) high above, all else.

All else, and we come to You and worship at Your feet.

44: Jesus, Name Above All Names

Jesus, name above all names;

Beautiful Savior, Glorious Lord.

Emmanuel, God is with us;

Blessed Redeemer, Living Word.

45: Glorify Thy Name

(1) Father, we love you, we worship and adore you.

(2) Jesus, we love you, we worship and adore you.

(3) Spirit, we love you, we worship and adore you.


Glorify thy name in all the earth.

Glorify thy name, glorify thy name,

Glorify thy name in all the earth.

46: I Just Want To Be Where You Are

I just want to be where you are

Dwelling in your presence,

I don't want to worship from afar

Draw me near to where you are.

I just want to be where you are,

In your dwelling place forever.

Take me to the place where you are,

I just want to be with you.


I want to be where you are,

Dwelling in your presence,

Feasting at your table,

Surrounded by your glory,

In your presence,

That's where I always want to be.

I just want to be,

I just want to be with you.

47: Heart Of A Servant

Give me the heart of a servant,

Tender and faithful and true,

Fill me with love, then use me oh Lord

So that the world can see you.

48: Marvelous Things


He has done marvelous,

He has done marvelous things,

Praise the Lord.


Marvelous, Marvelous,

Marvelous, Marvelous things,

Praise the Lord.


He's done marvelous,

He has dome marvelous things,

Praise the Lord.


You know that He has done,

Marvelous things,

Praise the Lord.

49: Lord Be There


Lord, be there for me when I fall,

Be there for me when I call,

Be there for me, dear Lord.


Lord you know I always need you,

And I know that, Lord, you'll be there.


Lord, be there for me when I fall,

Be there for me, dear Lord.


Worthy is the Lamb of God,

He is all I need.

50: God Is So Good

God is so good, God is so good,

God is so Good, He's so good to me.

He answers prayers, He answers prayers,

He answers prayers, He's so good to me.

I love Him so, I love Him so,

I love Him so, He's so good to me.

He's coming back, He's coming back,

He's coming back, He's so good to me.

51: Be Still And Know

Be still and know that I am God,

Be still and know that I am God,

Be still and know that I am God.

I am the way, the truth, the life,

I am the way, the truth, the life,

I am the way, the truth, the life.

In thee oh Lord, we put our trust,

In thee oh Lord, we put our trust,

In thee oh Lord, we put our trust.

52: Do Lord


Do Lord, Oh do Lord, Oh do remember me.

Do Lord, Oh do Lord, Oh do remember me.

Do Lord, Oh do Lord, Oh do remember me.

Look away beyond the blue.

I've got a home in glory land that outshines the sun.


I took Jesus as my Savior, you take him, too.


I'll wear - a long white robe and you wear the crown.


(Guys) We boys are going to heaven, you girls come, too.


(Girls) Thank you for the invitation, we'll follow you.


53: It Is Well With My Soul

When peace like a river attendeth my way,

When sorrows like sea-billows roll,

Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,

"It is well it is well with my soul."


It is well (echo) with my soul, (echo)

It is well, it is well with my soul.

My sin - Oh the bliss of this glorious tho't

My sin, not in part but the whole,

Is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more:

Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!


And, Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight,

The Clouds be rolled back as a scroll,

The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,

"Even so" it is well with my soul.


54: I've Been Crucified With Christ

I've been crucified with Christ; Nevertheless I live;

Yet not I, but Christ, liveth in me;

And the life which I now live in the flesh

I live by the faith of the Son of God,

Who loved me and gave Himself for me.

55: Father, I Adore You

Father, I adore You.


Lay my life before You;

How I love You.

Jesus, I adore You.


Spirit, I adore You.


56: Jesus Is Coming Soon

Troublesome times are here,

Filling men's hearts with fear,

Freedom we all hold dear now is at stake;

Humbling you heart to God,

Saves from the chast'ning rod.

Seek the way pilgrims trod, Christians, awake.


Jesus is coming soon,

Morning or night or noon,

Many will meet their doom,

Trumpets will sound.

All of the dead shall rise,

Righteous meet in the skies,

Going where no one dies,

Heavenward bound.

Troubles will soon be o'er,

Happy forevermore;

When we meet on that shore

Free from all care.

Rising up in the sky,

Telling this world goodbye,

Homeward we then will fly, glory to share.


57: Jesus Is Lord

Jesus is Lord, my redeemer,

How He loves me, how I love Him,

He is risen, He is coming,

Lord come quickly, Hallelujah!

What a fried we have in Jesus,

All our sins and griefs to bear,

What a privilege to carry,

Everything to God in prayer.


Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah,

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah,

Lord come quickly, hallelujah.


He was born to die on Calvary,

To redeem a lost humanity.

Conquering death, He rose triumphantly,

Now He reigns for all eternity.

58: I've Been Redeemed

I've been redeemed (echo)

By the blood of the Lamb! (echo)

I've been redeemed (echo)

By the blood of the Lamb! (echo)

I've been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb,

Filled with the Holy Ghost I am,

All my sins are washed away, I've been redeemed!

Well I went down, (echo)

To the river to pray. (echo)

Well I went down, (echo)

To the river to pray.

Well I went down, to the river to pray,

Felt so good that I stayed all day,

All my sins are washed away, I've been redeemed!

If you want to see (echo)

That devil run. (echo)

If you want to see (echo)

That devil run.

If you want to see that devil run,

Shoot him down with the gospel gun

All my sins are washed away, I've been redeemed!

Well that's not all (echo)

There's more besides (echo)

Well that's not all (echo)

There's more besides

Well that's not all, there's more besides

Been to the river and I've been baptized,

All my sins are washed away, I've been redeemed!

Now Satan's mad (echo)

And I am glad (echo)

Now Satan's mad (echo)

And I am glad!

Now Satan's mad and I am glad,

He lost a soul he thought he had,

All my sins are washed away, I've been redeemed!

59: I Keep Falling In Love With Him

I keep falling in love with Him,

Over and over and, over and over again.

I keep falling in love with Him,

Over and over and, over and over again.

He gets sweeter and sweeter as the days go by.

Oh what a love between my Lord and I.

I keep falling in love with Him,

Over and over and, over and over again.

60: The Greatest Command

(Sing as a round, add a part on each repeat)


Love one another, for love is of God,

He who loves is born of God and knows of God.

He who does not love does not know God,

For God is love, God is love.


Love bears all things,

Believes all things,

Love hopes all things,

Endures all things.


God is love, God is love, God is love.

God is love, God is love, God is love.

God is love, God is love, God is love.

God is love, God is love, God is love.


Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart,

With all thy soul, all thy strength, all thy mind.

Love the lord thy God with all thy heart,

For God is love, God is love, God is love.

61: I Will Enter His Gates

I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart.

I will enter His courts with praise.

I will say this is the day that the Lord has made.

I will rejoice for He has made me glad.

He has made me glad, He has made me glad,

I will rejoice for he has made me glad.

(Repeat last two lines)

62: May I Call You Father

May I call you Father,

May I call you Friend?

I've hurt you, Jesus,

I've hurt you with my sin.

Father, please forgive me,

I am young and can't survive

Without the peace of mind

That only you provide.


Please forgive.

63: Our God Is An Awesome God

(Girls echo)

He is faithful.

He is true.

Hes is mighty

And He will rule.

So bow before Him

And praise His NAME


Our Jesus Christ


Forever Reigns.


Our God is awesome God.

Chorus 1:


Our God is an awesome God.

He reigns from heaven above wisdom, power and love.

Our God is an awesome God.


Our God is awesome. He reigns from heaven.

With Wisdom pow'r and love.

Our god is an awesome God.

When He rolls up His sleeves He ain't just puttin' on the Ritz

Our God is an awesome God.

There's thunder in His footsteps and lightning in His fists.

Our God is an awesome God.

The Lord wasn't jokin' when He kicked ‘em out of Eden,

And it wasn't for no reason that He shed His blood,

His return is very close so you better be believin'

That our God is an awesome God.

(Chorus 1)

When the sky was starless in the void of the night,

Our God is an awesome God.

He spoke into the darkness and created the light,

Our God is an awesome God.

Judgment and wrath he poured out on Sodom,

Mercy and grace He gave us at the cross,

I hope that we have not too quickly forgotten,

That our God is an awesome God.

(Chorus 1)

Chorus 2:

Our God is an awesome God,

He reigns in Heaven above,

With wisdom, power, and love,

Our God is an awesome God.


(End) (x2)

Our God is an awesome God.

64: The Steadfast Love Of The Lord

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,

His mercies never come to an end.

They are new every morning.

Great is thy faithfulness

"The Lord is my portion", says my soul,

Therefore I will hope in Him.

Therefore I will hope in Him.

65: Hear O Israel (Deut. 6:4)

Hear O Israel, The Lord our God is One God

And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all of thy heart,

And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all of thy soul,

And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all of thy mind,

And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all of thy strength.

66: God's Family

We're part of the family that's been born again;

Part of the family whose love knows no end;

For Jesus has saved us, and made us His own,

Now we are part of the family that's on its way home.


And sometimes we laugh together,

Sometimes we cry

Sometimes we share together,

Heartaches and sighs;

Sometimes we dream together of how it will be

When we all get to Heaven, God's family.

And tho some go before us, we'll all meet again;

Just inside the city as we enter in;

There'll be no more parting with Jesus we'll be

Together forever, God's family.


67: Jesus Let Us Come To Know You

Jesus let us come to know you,

Let us see you face to face,

Touch us, Hold us,

Use us, Mold us,

Only let us, live in You.

Jesus draw us ever nearer,

Hold us in your loving arms,

Wrap us in your,

Gentle presence,

When the end comes bring us home.

68: I've Got Peace Like A River

I've got peace like a river

I've got peace like a river

I've got peace like a river in my soul


I've got joy like a fountain…

I've got love like an ocean…

I've got peace, love, joy…

69: Victory Chant

Hail Jesus you're my king,

Your life frees me to sing,

I will praise You all my days,

You're perfect in all your ways.

Hail Jesus you're my Lord,

I will obey your word,

I want to see your kingdom come,

Not my will but yours be done.

Glory, glory to the Lamb,

You take me by the hand,

Lead my me to the promised land,

Glory, glory to the Lamb.

Hail, hail lion of Judah,

How powerful you are,

Hail, hail lion of Judah,

How wonderful you are,

How wonderful you are.

70: I Want To Know Jesus

I want to know Christ and the power of His rising.

Share in His suffering, conform to His death.

When I pour out my life, to be filled with His spirit.

Joy follows suffering and life follows death.

71: On Bended Knee

On bended knee I come,

With a humble heart I come,

Bowing down before Your holy throne;

Lifting holy hands to You,

As I pledge my love anew,

I worship You in spirit, I worship You in truth.

Make my life a holy praise unto You.

On bended knee we come,

With a humble heart we come,

Bowing down before your holy throne;

Lifting holy hands to You,

As we pledge our love anew,

We worship You in spirit, we worship You in truth.

Make our lives a holy praise unto You.

Make our lives a holy praise unto You.

72: Soon And Very Soon


(1) Soon and very soon, I said soon and very soon, soon



(1) Soon and very soon we are goin' to see the King

(sing x3 starting on guys x2)

(2) No more cryin' there…

(3) No more dyin' there…

(4) Soon and very soon…

73: Give Thanks

Give thanks with a grateful heart,

Give thanks to the Holy One,

Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His son.


And now let the weak say,

Let the poor say, "I am rich!"

Because of what the Lord has done for us


Give Thanks

Give Thanks

74: I Am A Sheep

I am a sheep and the Lord is my Shepherd

Watching over my soul!

My soul to keep guarding over me ever,

Watching wherever I go!


And when the winds blow He is my shelter!

And when I'm lost and alone He rescues me!

And when the Lion comes He is my victory!

Constantly watching over me!

He is constantly watching over me!

We are His children and He is our Father

Watching over our souls!

Great is His love for His sons and His daughters!

Watching wherever we go!


75: This World Is Not My Home

This world is not my home, I'm just a passing thru.

My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue;

The angels beckon me from heaven's open door,

And I can't feel at home in this world anymore.


O Lord, You know I have no friend like You,

If heaven's not my home then Lord what will I do?

The angels beckon me from heaven's open door,

And I can't feel at home in this world anymore.

Just up in glory-land we'll live eternally,

The saints on every hand are shouting victory,

Their song of sweetest praise drifts back from heaven's shore

And I can't feel at home in this world anymore.


76: Step By Step

O God you are my God

And I will ever praise you

O God you are my God

And I will ever praise you

I will seek You in the morning

And I will learn to walk in Your ways

And step by step You'll lead me

And I will follow You all of my days


And I will follow You all of my days

And I will follow You all of my days

And step by step You'll lead me

And I will follow You all of my days

77: Hosanna! You're My King

Hosanna You're my King!

I worship and I sing.

I lift Your holy Name upon high.

I worship and adore,

Sing praise forevermore

Hosanna you're my King forevermore!

78: Worship The Lord With Gladness

Worship the Lord with gladness,

Come before the Lord with joyful song.

Worship the Lord with gladness,

Come before the Lord with joyful song.

And know that He is God and we are His people.

And know that He is God and we are His people.

Enter His Gates with thanksgiving,

Come into His courts with joyful praise.

Enter His Gates with thanksgiving,

Come into His courts with joyful praise.

And know that He is God and we are His people.

And know that He is God and we are His people.

79: Open Our Eyes, Lord

Open our eyes, Lord. We want to see Jesus.

To reach out and touch Him. And say that we love Him.

Open our ears, Lord, and Help us to listen.

Open our eyes, Lord, we want to see Jesus.

80: Thy Word

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet

And a light unto my path. (repeat)

When I feel afraid think I've lost my way,

Still You're there right beside me.

Nothing will I fear as long as You are near,

Please be near me to the end.

(Last time)

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet

And a light unto my path

81: Majesty

Majesty, worship His majesty.

Unto Jesus be all glory, power and praise.

Majesty, Kingdom authority,

Flow from His throne unto His own,

His anthem raise.

So exalt, lift upon high the name of Jesus.

Magnify, come glorify Christ Jesus the King.

Majesty, worship His majesty.

Jesus who died, now glorified, King of all Kings.

Jesus who died, now glorified, King of all Kings.

82: The Joy Of The Lord

The joy of the Lord will be my strength;

I will not falter, I will not faint.

He is my Shepherd, I am not afraid;

The joy of the Lord is my strength.


The joy of the Lord, the joy of the Lord,

The joy of the Lord is my strength.

The joy of the Lord, the joy of the Lord,

The joy of the Lord is my strength.

The joy of the Lord will be my strength;

He will uphold me all of my days.

I am surrounded my mercy and grace;

The joy of the Lord is my strength.


The joy of the Lord will be my strength;

I will not waiver, walking by faith.

He will be strong to deliver me safe;

The joy of the Lord is my strength.


83: Get Right Church

Get right church and let's go home

(Bass) Well get right church and let's go home

Get right church and let's go home

Get right church, You better get right church

Get right church and let's go home

I'm going home on the morning train

(Bass) I'm going home on the morning train

I'm going home on the morning train

I'm going home, I'm going home

I'm going home on the morning train

Evening train might be too late

(Bass) Evening train might be too late

Evening train might be too late

Evening train, evening train

Evening train might be too late

Back back train and get your load

(Bass) Well back back train and get your load

Back back train and get your load

Back back train, back back train

Back back train and get your load

84: Holy Ground

This is holy ground, we're standing on holy ground.

For the Lord is present and where He is is holy.

This is holy ground, we're standing on holy ground.

For the Lord is present and where He is is holy.

You are a holy God, a perfect and holy God.

Let us come before You with hearts made clean by Jesus' blood.

You are a Holy God, a perfect and holy God.

Let us come before You with hearts made clean by Jesus' blood

85: Holy Ground (We Are Standing)

We are standing on holy ground

And I know that there are angels all around.

Let us praise Jesus now;

We are standing in His presence on holy ground.

We are standing on holy ground

And I know that there are angles all around.

Let us praise Jesus now;

We are standing in his presence;

We are standing in his presence;

We are standing in His presence on Holy ground

86: We Bow Down

You are Lord of creation and Lord of my life,

Lord of the land and the sea.

You were Lord of the heavens

Before there was time

And Lord of all Lords You will be!

We bow down and we worship You Lord

We bow down and we worship You Lord

We bow down and we worship You Lord

Lord of all Lords You will be!

You are King of creation and King of my life,

King of the land and the sea.

You were King of the heavens

Before the was time

And King of all Kings You will be!

We bow down and we crown You the King

We bow down and we crown You the King

We bow down and we crown You the King

King of all Kings You will be!

87: Holy Lord (Great Are You Lord)

Holy Lord, Most Holy Lord,

You alone are worthy of my praise,

Oh Holy Lord, Most Holy Lord

With all of my heart I sing

Great are you Lord,

Worthy of praise,

Holy and True,

Great are you Lord

Most Holy Lord

88: Instruments Of Your Peace


Lord, make us instruments of Your peace;

Where there is hatred let Your love increase.

Lord, make us instruments of Your peace;

Walls of pride and prejudice shall cease,

When we are You instruments of peace.

Where there is hatred we will sow His Love,

Where there is injury we will never judge,

Where there is striving we will speak His peace;

To the people crying for release

We will be His instruments of peace.


Where there is blindness we will pray for sight,

Where there is darkness we will shine His light,

Where there is sadness we will bear their grief;

To the millions crying for release

We will be His instruments of peace.


89: He Leadeth Me

He leadeth me oh blessed thought,

Oh words with heavenly comfort fraught.

What e'er I do where e'er I be.

Still ‘tis God's and that leadeth me.


He leadeth me, he leadeth me,

By His own hand, He leadeth me.

His faithful follower I would be,

For by His hand He leadeth me.

Sometimes ‘mid scenes of deepest gloom,

Sometimes where Eden's bowers bloom,

By waters still, o'er troubled sea,

Still ‘tis God's hand that leadeth me.


And wen my task on earth is done,

When by Thy grace the vict'ry's won,

E'en death's cold wave I will not flee,

Since God thru Jordan leadeth me.


90: Thank You (For All That You've Done)

For all that You've done I will thank You,

For all that You're going to do,

For all that You've promised

And all that You are

Is all that has carried me through,

Jesus I thank You.

And I thank You, thank You, Lord. (girls echo)

And I thank You, thank You, Lord. (girls echo)

Thank you for loving and setting me free.

Thank You for giving your life just for me.

How I thank You.

Jesus I thank You.

Gratefully thank You.

Thank You.

91: Day By Day

Day by day,

You reveal Your love to me,

Cradled in Your arms I am

A precious lamb,

A diamond in Your eye.

Day by day,

You reveal Your love,

Day by day,

You reveal Your love,

I am a precious, a precious lamb,

A diamond in Your eye.

92: Restore My Soul

Restore my spirit, Lord, I need restored;

(Lord, You know that)

My heart is weary, please, help me dear Lord

I stand in need of more strength from your word

Renew my love, rebuild my faith,

Oh, restore my soul.

Revive the fire, Lord, deep in my soul;

(Won't You, Lord)

Stir my desire to work in Your fold.

Light in my heart, dear God,

Your zeal grown cold.

Renew my love, rebuild my faith,

Oh, restore my soul.

Renew my courage, Lord, it needs restored;

(Yes, it does, for)

My Cup is empty, refill it, dear Lord.

Replace all doubts and fear

with faith so bold.

Renew my love, rebuild my faith,

Oh, restore my soul.

93: Shine, Jesus Shine

Lord, the light of your love is shining

In the midst of the darkness, shining

Jesus, light of the world shine upon us

Set us free by the truth you now bring us

Shine on me, Shine on me.


Shine, Jesus shine

Fill this land with the Father's Glory

Blaze, Spirit, blaze

Set our hearts on fire

Flow, river, flow

Flood the nations with grace and mercy

send forth your word

Lord, and let there be light.

Lord, I come to your awesome presence

From the shadows into your radiance

By the blood I may enter your brightness

Search me, try me, consume all my darkness

Shine on me,

Shine on me.


As we gaze on your kingly brightness

So our faces display your likeness

Ever changing from glory to glory

Mirrored here, my our lives tell your story.


94: Open My Heart

Open my hear to what you know,

So I can stretch, so I can grow,

My feelings toss me to and fro,

Open my heart to what you know.

Open my eyes to what you see,

To understand what I should be,

My feelings get the best of me,

Open my eyes to what you see.

Open my ears to what you hear,

So I can keep you very near,

My feelings make it so unclear,

Open my ears to what you hear.

95: He Paid A Debt

He paid a debt He did not owe,

I owed a debt I could not pay,

I needed someone to wash my sins away,

And now I sing a brand new song: Amazing Grace.

Christ Jesus paid the debt that I could never pay.

He paid that debt at Calvary,

He cleansed my soul and set me free,

I'm glad that Jesus did all my sins erase;

I now can sing a brand new song: Amazing Grace.

Christ Jesus paid the debt that I could never pay.

One day He's coming back for me

To live with Him eternally,

Won't it be glory to see Him on that day!

I then will sing a brand new song: Amazing Grace.

Christ Jesus paid the debt that I could never pay.

96: Lord, I Want To Love You More

Lord, I want to love you more,

Than I ever hae before

You're so easy to adore,

Lord, I want to love you more.

97: In His Presence

In His presence there is comfort,

In His presence there is peace.

When we seek the Father's heart

We will find such bless'd assurance,

In the presence of the Lord.

In His presence there is comfort,

In His presence there is peace.

When we seek the Father's heart

We will find such bless'd assurance,

In the presence of the Lord.

98: More Precious Than Silver

Lord, You are more precious than silver,

Lord, You are more costly than gold.

Lord, You are more beautiful than diamonds,

And nothing I desire compares with You.

(Repeat singing last phrase twice)

99: I Shall Not Be Moved

Glory hallelujah, I shall not be moved;

Anchored in Jehovah, I shall not be moved;

Just like a tree that's planted by the waters,

I shall not be moved.

In His love abiding, I shall not be moved;

And in Him confiding, I shall not be moved;

Just like a tree that's planted by the waters,

I shall not be moved.

Tho all hell assail me, I shall not be moved;

Jesus will not fail me, I shall not be moved;

Just like a tree that's planted by the waters,

I shall not be moved

Tho the tempest rages, I shall not be moved;

On the Rock of Ages, I shall not be moved;

Just like a tree that's planted by the waters,

I shall not be moved.

100: Boundless Love

Boundless love, unending joy,

This is my life, it's what I know.

And I can't believe that He selected me!

Jesus, my Lord, it's You I owe.

Boundless grace, because of Calvary,

His life He gave, His love outpoured.

I now can live with Him eternally,

Jesus, my Lord, it's You I love.

101: He Is Exalted

He is exalted, the King is exalted on high;

I will praise Him.

He is exalted, for ever exalted,

And I will praise His name!

He is the Lord; forever His truth shall reign.

Heaven and earth rejoice in His holy name.

He is exalted, the King is exalted on high;

He is exalted, the King is exalted on high.

102: Mighty Is Our God

Mighty is our God, Mighty is our King;

Mighty is our Lord, He's ruler of everything.

Glory to our God, Glory to our King;

Glory to our Lord, He's ruler of everything.

His name is higher, higher than any other name;

His pow'r is greater, for He has created everything.

Mighty is our God, Mighty is our King;

Mighty is our Lord; Hes ruler of everything,

Ruler of everything, Ruler of everything!

103: How Majestic Is Your Name

O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is

Your name in all the earth,

O lord, our Lord, how majestic is

Your name in all the earth.

O Lord, we praise Your name.

O Lord, we magnify Your name.

Prince of Peace, mighty God

O Lord Got almighty.


104: People Need The Lord

People need the Lord, people need the Lord;

At the end of broken dreams, He's the open door.

People need the Lord, people need the Lord;

When will we realize that people need the Lord.

105: Here We Are But Straying Pilgrims

Here we are but straying pilgrims

Here our path is often dim

But to cheer us on our journey

Still we sing this wayside hymn


Yonder over the rolling river

Where the shining mansions rise

Soon will be our home forever

And the smile of the blessed Giver

Gladdens all our longing eyes.

Here our feet are often weary

On the hills that throng our way

Here the tempest darkly gathers

But our hearts within us say


Here our souls are often fearful

Of the pilgrim's lurking foe

But the Lord is our defender

And He tells us we may know


106: There's Something About That Name

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus;

There's just something about that name.

Master, Savior, Jesus,

Like the fragrance after the rain;

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,

Let all Heaven and earth proclaim;

Kings and kingdoms will all pass away,

But there's something about that name.

107: Praise God

Praise God! (Praise God!)

Give thanks to the Father,

In all (In all)

That you say and do

Well, amen! Amen!

Sing glory, hallelujah!

Christ the Lord has died for you.

… Christ the Lord has risen for you.

… Christ the Lord is living for you

… Christ the Lord is coming for you.

108: Nearer, Still Nearer

Nearer, still nearer, close to Thy heart,

Draw me, my Savior, so precious Thou art;

Fold me, O fold me close to Thy breast,

Shelter me safe in that haven of rest,

Shelter me safe in that haven of rest.

Nearer, still nearer, nothing I bring,

Naught as an off'ring to Jesus my King,

Only my sinful, now contrite heart;

Grant me the cleansing Thy blood doth impart,

Grant me the cleansing Thy blood doth impart.

Nearer, still nearer, while life shall last,

Till safe in glory my anchor is cast;

Thru endless ages, ever to be

Nearer, my Savior, still nearer to Thee,

Nearer, my Savior, still nearer to Thee.

109: My Eyes Are Dry

My eyes are dry, My faith is old,

My heart is hard, My prayers are cold,

And I know how I ought to be,

Alive to You and dead to me.

What can be done to an old heart like mine?

Soften it up with oil and wine.

The oil is You, Your spirit of love.

Please wash me anew in the wine of your blood.

Your grace has covered all my sin,

an now your presence reigns within.

I am redeemed, I've been set free.

Alive to You and dead to me.

Look what You've done to this old heart of mine.

Soften it up with oil and wine..

The oil is You, Your spirit of love.

You've washed me anew in the wine of your blood

110: Heaven Is In My Heart


Oooooo… Heaven is in my heart,

Oooooo… Heaven is in my heart.

The kingdom of our God Is here,

Heaven is in my heart.

The presence of His majesty,

Heaven is in my heart.


In His presence joy abounds.,

Heaven is in my heart.

The light of holiness surrounds,

Heaven is in my heart.


We are are a Temple of the Lord,

Heaven is in my heart.

We worship Him in one accord,

Heaven is in my heart.


111: When I Survey The Wondrous Cross

When I survey the wondrous cross

On which the Prince of glory died,

My richest gain I count but loss

And pour contempt on all my pride.

Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast,

Save in the death of Christ, my Lord;

All the vain things that charm me most

I sacrifice them to His blood.

See, from His head, His hands, His feet,

Sorrow and love flow mingled down;

Did e'er such love and sorrow meet,

Or thorns compose so rich a crown?

Were the whole realm of nature mine

That were a present far too small;

Love so amazing, so divine,

Demands my soul my life, my all.

112: We Shall Assemble

We shall assemble on the mountain,

We shall assemble at the throne.

With humble hearts into His presence,

We bring an offering of song.


Glory and honor and dominion

Unto the Lamb, unto the King.

Oh hallelujah, hallelujah!

We sing the song of the redeemed.

And at the end of life's journey

We shall bow down on bended knee

And with the the angels up in heaven

We'll sing a song of victory


113: Firm Foundation


Jesus you're my firm foundation,

I know I can stand secure,

Jesus you're my firm foundation.

I put my hope in your Holy Word,

I put my hope in your Holy Word.


I have a living hope, (echo)

I have a future, (echo)

God has a plan for me, (Echo)

Of this I'm sure, of this I'm sure.


Your Word is faithful, (echo)

Mighty with power, (echo)

God will deliver me, (Echo)

Of this I'm sure, of this I'm sure.

(Chorus twice and repeat last two lines)

114: Listen To Our Hearts

How do you explain, how do you describe,

A love that goes from east to west,

And runs as deep as it is wide.

You know all our hopes,

Lord, You know all our fears.

And words cannot express the way we feel

But we long for You to hear.


So listen to our hearts.

(O Lord, please listen,)

Hear our spirits sing

(And hear us sing)

A song of praise that flows

(A simple song of praise)

From those You have redeemed.

(From those You have redeemed.)

We will use the words we know

To tell You what an awesome God You are.

But words are not enough

To tell You of our love,

So listen to our hearts.

If words could fall like rain

From these lips of mine,

And if I had a thousand years,

Lord, I would still run out of time.

If You listen to my heart,

Every beat will say:

"Thank You for the Life,

Thank You for the Truth,

Thank You for the Way."


115: I Stand In Awe

You are beautiful beyond description,

Too marvelous for words,

Too wonderful for comprehension,

Like nothing ever seen or heard.

Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom,

Who can fathom the depth of Your love?

You are beautiful beyond description,

Majesty enthroned above.


And I stand, I stand in awe of You,

I stand, I stand in awe of You;

Holy God, to whom all praise is due,

I stand in awe of You.

You are Jesus you're the God who saves us,

The Bright and Morning Star.

Emmanuel our God is with us,

No longer worship from afar,

Oh the mystery of your great presence!

Of the wonder how deep is your love

You are Jesus you're the God who saves us.

Son of God, enthroned above.


116: The Battle Belongs To The Lord

In heavenly armor we'll enter the land,

The battle belongs to the Lord.

No weapon that's fashioned against us will stand,

The battle belongs to the Lord.


And we sing glory, honor,

power and strength to the Lord.

We sing glory, honor,

power and strength to the Lord.

When the power of darkness comes in like a flood,

The battle belongs to the Lord.

He's raised up a standard, the pow'r of His blood,

The battle belongs to the Lord.


When your enemy presses in hard, do not fear,

The battle belongs to the Lord.

Take courage, my friend, your redemption is near,

The battle belongs to the Lord.


117: My Only Hope Is You

My only Hope is you, Jesus

My only Hope is you.

From early in the morning ‘Til late at night,

My only Hope is you.

My only Peace is you…

My only Joy is you...

All that I need is you...

118: Awesome Power

Awesome power, boundless grace.

None can fathom all Your ways.

None can fathom all Your ways.

Truth and love are found in Your heart alone,

Righteousness surround Your throne.

Holy, holy, holy Lord, Most High.

Holy, holy, holy Lord, Most High.

119: Faithful Love

Faithful love flowing down from the thorn-covered crown,

Makes me whole, saves my soul, washes whiter than snow.

Faithful love calms each fear, reaches down, dries each rear;

Holds my hand when I can't stand on my own.


Faithful love (Faithful love)

From above (from above)

cane to earth to show the Father's love.

And I'll never (And I'll never)

Be the same, (be the same)

For I've seen faithful love face to face,

And Jesus is His name.

Faithful love is a friend just when hope seems to end,

Welcome face, sweet embrace, tender touch filled with grace.

Faithful love, endless pow'r, living flame, Spirit's fire;

Burning bright in the night, guiding my way.


120: Be Exalted, O God

I will give thanks to Thee, O Lord, among the people.

I will sing praises to Thee among the nations.

For Thy steadfast love is great, is great to the heavens;

And Thy faithfulness, Thy faithfulness to the clouds.

Be exalted, O God, above the heav'ns;

(above the heav'ns)

Let Thy glory be over all the earth


121: Covenant Of Love

O Lord God of Israel,

There's no God like You,

In heaven or earth below.

O Lord God of Israel,

There's no God like You,

In heaven above.

You keep your covenant of love,

You covenant of love,

O Lord there is no God like You

In heaven above.

122: Great Is The Lord Almighty

The Lord reigns, He is a mighty God, the Lord God reigns.

The Lord reigns, He is a mighty God, the Lord God reigns.

Great is the Lord Almighty, He is Lord, He is God indeed.

Great is the Lord Almighty, He is God supreme.

Great is the Lord Almighty, He is Lord, He is God indeed.

Great is the Lord. Great is the Lord.

The Lord reigns, He is a mighty God, the Lord God reigns.

The Lord reigns, He is a mighty God, the Lord God reigns.

123: Create In Me A Clean Heart

Create in me a clean heart, O God,

And renew a right spirit within me.


Cast me not away from your presence, O Lord,

And take not your Holly Spirit from me.

Restore unto me the joy of you salvation,

And renew a right spirit within me.

124: Lord, Take Control

My heart, my mind, my body, my soul

I give to You, take control,

I give my body a living sacrifice.

Lord, take control, take control.

125: We Will Stand

You're my brother, You're my sister, so take me by the hand.

Together we will work until He comes.

There's no foe that can defeat us when we're walking side by side;

As long as there is love, we will stand.

126: Sanctuary

Oh Lord prepare me, To be a sanctuary,

Pure and holy, Tried and true.

With thanksgiving, I'll be a living,

Sanctuary, for You.

Lord teach your children, To stop the fighting,

Start uniting, All as one.

Let's get together, Loving forever,

Sanctuary, for You.

It is you, Lord, who sent the Savior,

Heart and soul, Lord, to every man.

And it is you, Lord, who knows my weakness

You refine me with your own hand.

When He comes, with shouts of glory,

And my time on earth is done.

How I long to, hear Him saying,

“Faithful servant, well done!"

(Repeat 1st verse)

127: A Mansion, Robe And Crown

I'm gonna trade my earthly home for a better one bright and fair.

Christ left to prepare a mansion for His children in the air.

I'll join Him in that land where tears nor sorrows can be found

And I'll receive my mansion, robe, and crown.


(Girls) Mansion, robe, and a crown.

There love always abounds. Let me your throne…

(Guys) Lord I want a brand new mansion, robe, and a crown in glory.

There I know that peace and love will always abound forever.

Let me be among the saved to your throne…


Surround. Lord, please reserve my mansion

(mansion), robe, and crown.

The weather there is always fair;

There is sunshine day and night.

No cold and no rain will fall there

For the sun shines ever bright

I'll need no heavy garments;

I'll just wrap my robe around.

When I receive my mansion, mansion, robe and crown.


My head is bowed and bloody now

From the work that I've tried to do,

But one day I'll be rewarded

With a crown so bright and new.

I'll wear a smile so bright,

For there'll be no cause for a frown,

When I receive my mansion, robe, and crown.


128: Purify Me Lord

Purify me Lord.

(pur...i-fy me Lord)

from ways that aren't of You.

(Ways...that aren't of You)

Take away the old.

(Take...away the old)

and make my life brand new.

(Make…my life brand new)

(together) I surrender all to You, Not my will, but Thine.

The sweetest thing I know.

(Swee..test thing I know)

is letting your love show.

129: Light The Fire

I stand to praise You, but I fall to my knees.

My spirit is willing, but my flesh is so weak.

Light the fire in my weary soul.

Fan the flames make me whole again.

Lord, You know where I've been,

So light the fire in my heart again.

I feel Your arms around me

As the pow'r of Your healing begins.

You breathe new life right through me

Like a mighty rushing wind!

Light the fire in my weary soul.

Fan the flame make me whole again.

Lord, you know where I've been,

So light the fire in my heart again.

130: No Other God

(Ladies Echo)

The God of the Heavens…

The Ancient of Day…

The God of our fathers…

And God of our praise…

The Alpha Omega…

Beginning and End…

Forever and ever…

Your Kingdom will stand…


We come to bow before you now,

We come to lay our lives down.


We will have no other gods before you

Nothing on earth will complete for your throne

You are the sovereign I AM and you reign in our hearts alone

We will exalt you on high forever

King of all kings and the Lord of all lords

We will have no other gods before you.

Our Maker Creator…

Before time began…

Messiah and Savior…

Redeemer and friend…

Our Rock of Salvation…

So faithful and true…

We give all the glory…

And honor to you…


For you alone are worthy of

Our never ending love.

(Chorus x2)

131: Break My Heart

Break my heart, Dear Lord,

Tear the barriers down,

Show me in convicting tears,

The glory of your crown.


My heart is hard, (Heart is hard)

My soul so weak, (Soul so weak)

The ways of evil cut so deep,

(Ways of evil cut so deep)

I need You Lord, (Need You Lord)

To come inside, (To come inside)

And gently break my heart.

(Gently break my heart)

My sin is great, but I can see,

The glory set for me,

Show me Father, where to start,

And gently break my heart.


132: We Will Glorify

We will glorify the King of kings,

We will glorify the Lamb;

We will glorify the Lord of Lords,

Who is the great I AM.

Lord Jehovah reigns in majesty,

We will bow before His throne;

We will worship Him in righteousness,

We will worship Him alone.

He is Lord of Heaven, Lord of earth,

He is Lord of all who live;

He is Lord above the universe,

All praise to Him we give.

Hallelujah to the King of kings,

Hallelujah to the Lamb;

Hallelujah to the Lord of Lords,

Who is the great I AM.

133: Jesus, Lover Of My Soul

Jesus, lover of my soul,

Jesus, I will never let You go;

you've taken me from the miry clay,

You've set my feet upon the rock,

And now I know.


I love You, I need You,

Though my world will fall,

I'll never let You go;

My Savior, my closest Friend,

I will worship You until the very end.

134: Shout To The Lord

My Jesus, My Savior, Lord there is none like You,

All of my days, I want to praise,

The wonders of Your mighty love.

My Comfort, My Shelter,

Tower of refuge and strength,

Let every breath, All that I am,

Never cease to worship You.

Shout to the Lord, All the earth let us sing,

Power and Majesty, Praise to the King,

Mountains bow down and the seas will roar,

At the sound of Your name.

I sing for joy at the works of Your hand,

Forever I love You, Forever I'll stand,

Nothing compares to the promise I have in You.

135: There's A Stirring

There's a stirring deep within me

Could it be my time has come.

When I see my gracious Savior

Face fo face when all is done.

Is that His voice I am hearing?

Come away my precious one.

Is He calling me? Is He calling me?


I will rise up, rise up. (Then I'll bow down)

And bow down (lay my crown)

And lay my crown. (At His precious wounded feet)

At his wounded feet.

Could it be the gates of heaven,

Swinging open just for me?

Could it be my Lord is coming,

Coming now to set me free?

Is that His voice I am hearing?

Come away my precious one.

Is He calling me? Is He calling me?


136: We Fall Down

We fall down, we lay our crowns,

At the feet of Jesus.

The greatness of your mercy love,

Af the feet of Jesus,

And we cry Holy, Holy, Holy!

And we cry Holy, Holy, Holy!

And we cry Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lamb.

137: I Sing Praises

I sing praises to Your name, O Lord,

Praises to Your name, O Lord,

For Your name is great

And greatly to be praised;

I sing praises to Your name, O Lord,

Praises to You name, O Lord,

For Your name is great

And greatly to be praised.

I give glory to Your name, O Lord,

Glory to Your name, O Lord,

For Your name is great

And greatly to be praised;

I give glory to Your name, O Lord,

Glory to Your name, O Lord,

For Your name is great

And greatly to be praised.


For Your name is great

And greatly to be praised.

138: I Exalt Thee

For Thou, O Lord art high above all the earth.

Thou art exalted far above all gods.

For Thou, O Lord art high above all the earth.

Thou art exalted far above all gods.

I exalt Thee, (I exalt Thee),

I exalt Thee, (I exalt Thee).

I exalt Thee, O Lord.

I exalt Thee, (I exalt Thee),

I exalt Thee, (I exalt Thee).

I exalt Thee, O Lord.

We lift our praise to You for You are our only strength

We are Your children and we magnify You.

If it weren't for You we'd have no reason to sing,

Our hearts are broken and offered to You.

We exalt Thee, (We exalt Thee),

We exalt Thee, (We exalt Thee).

We exalt Thee, O Lord.

We exalt Thee, (We exalt Thee),

We exalt Thee, (We exalt Thee).

We exalt Thee, O Lord.

139: Hide Me Away

Hide me away, O Lord,

Hide me away, O Lord,

In the day of trouble

‘Neath the shadow of Your wings,

Hide me away, O Lord.

Give me Your peace, O God,

Give me Your peace, O God,

In the day of trouble

‘Neath the shadow of Your wings,

Give me Your peace, O God.

Safe in Your dwelling place,

Safe in Your dwelling place,

In the day of trouble

‘Neath the shadow of Your wings,

Safe in Your dwelling place.

Hide me away, O Lord,

Give me Your peace, O God,

In the day of trouble

‘Neath the shadow of Your wings,

Safe in Your dwelling place.

140: Lord, Let Your Light

Lord, let Your light,

Light of Your face

Shine on us (x2)


That we may be saved,

That we may have light

To find our way in the darkest night

Let Your light sine on us.

Lord, let Your grace

Grace from Your hand

Fall on us. (x2)


Lord, let Your love

Love with no end

Come over us. (x2)


141: You Are My King

I'm forgiven, because You were forsaken.

I'm accepted, You were condemned.

I'm alive and well, Your Spirit is within me

Because You died and rose again.


Amazing love how can it be,

You my King would die for me.

Amazing love I know it's true.

It's my joy to honor You, in all I do, I honor You.

142: Heart Of Worship

When the music fades

All is stripped away

And I simply come.

Longing just to bring,

something that's of worth.

That will bless Your Name.

I'll bring You more than a song.

For a song in it's self is not what You have required.

You search much deeper within,

through the ways things appear.

You're looking into my heart.


I'm coming back to the heart of worship

And it's all about You,

it's all about You Jesus!

I'm sorry Lord for the thing I've made it,

But it's all about You,

It's all about You Jesus.

King of endless worth,

No one could express

How much You deserve

Though I'm weak and ppr,

All I have is Yours,

Ev'ry single breath.

I'll bring You more than a song.

For a song in it's self is not what You have required.

You search much deeper within,

Through the ways things disappear.

You're looking into my heart.


143: In My Life Lord Be Glorified

In my life, Lord,

Be glorified, be glorified

In my life, Lord,

be glorified today.

In this song, Lord

be glorified...

In Your church, Lord,

be glorified...

144: Every Time I...

Every time I kneel to pray,

I open up my heart to the Lord.

Every time I close my eyes,

I feel the sweet embrace of my Lord.


But I don't know why, so many things,

Seem to get in the way of seeing my God's glory.

But I try every day to see Him and to thank Him.

For all the tings He's given me.

Every time I see a child,

I feel the gentleness of my Lord

Every time I watch a storm,

I know the awesome power of my Lord.


Every time I see a cross.

145: Lay Your Burdens Down

Lay your burdens down, every care you carry.

And come to the table of grace for there is mercy.

Come just as you are, we are all unworthy.

To enter the presence of God for He is holy!


Lift up your heart! Lift up your hands!

Fall on your knees and pray!

For the King of kings and the love He brings,

Is here in this place.

We raise our voices, raise our song,

Offer Him our praise!

For the King of kings and the joy He brings,

Is here, He is here, in this place!


146: Be Strong And Courageous

Be strong and courageous, and do not be afraid.

The Lord goes with you each and every day.



And so be strong and courageous, and do not be afraid.

The Lord goes with you each and every day.



He'll never forsake you.

Don't be afraid.


The Lord goes before you through your trouble and strife,

And he will protect you all the days of your life.


147: The Worship Song

Men (women echo)

You are holy (echo)

You are mighty (echo)

You are worthy (echo)

Worthy of praise (echo)

I will follow (echo)

I will listen (echo)

I will love you (echo)

All of my days (echo)


I will sing to and worship

The King who is worthy

And I will love and adore Him

And I will bow down before Him.


He is Lord of Lords

He is King of Kings

He is Mighty God

Lord of everything

He's Emmanuel

He's the Great I Am

He's the Prince of peace

Who is the Lamb

He's m living God

He my saving Grace

He will reign forever

He is Ancient of days

He is Alpha, Omega

Beginning and End

He's my Savior, Messiah

Redeemer and Friend


You're my prince of peace and I will live my life for You.

148: Give Thanks To The Lord


Give thanks to the Lord (for he is good)

For he is good. (Repeat 3x)

His love endures forever

His love will reign forever more.

His Power will reign forever more.

His Grace will reign forever more.

His Peace will reign forever more.

(repeat all)

149: Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus

I'd like to say, Lord, from the start,

Thank You for breaking thru my heart!

Thank you for tearing every chain apart.

When I was lost You made a way.

You turned the darkest night to day!

You are my joy and, Lord I'd like to say that-


Nobody fills my heart like Jesus!

Nobody thrills me like you do! Oh,

Nobody fills my heart like Jesus!

Nobody, Lord, but You!


Nobody, but You!

When I am weak, my Lord, You're strong!

Loving me even when I'm wrong!

Lord, You are my salvation and my song!

Every day I'll make the choice!

Just listening, following your voice!

Being with you I can't help but rejoice for-


150: Hosanna

Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest;

Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest;


Lord, we lift up your name,

With hearts full of praise;

So be exalted, O Lord, my God,

Hosanna in the highest.

Glory, glory, glory to the King of Kings.

Glory, glory, glory to the King of Kings.


Worthy, worthy, worthy is the King of Kings.

Worthy, worthy, worthy is the King of Kings.


151: Father God

Father God, just for today

Help me walk, life's narrow way.

Help me stand, when I might fall,

Give me strength to hear your call.


May my steps be worship,

May my thoughts be praise.

May my words bring honor to your name.

May my steps be worship,

May my thoughts be praise,

May my words bring honor to your name.

Here I am, just for today

Live in me, have your way.

For my desire, when this race is run,

Is only, to hear you say "well done".


152: Above All Else

You are exalted Lord above all else.

We place you on the highest place above all else.

Right now where we stand and everywhere we go,

We place you on the highest place so the world will know.

You are a mighty warrior dressed in armor of light

Pressing the deeds of darkness, lead us on in the fight.

Through the blood of Jesus victorious we stand,

We place you on the highest place,

Above all else in this land.

Above all else in this land!

153: Amazing Love

And can it be that I should gain

An interest in my Savior's love?

Died he for me, who caused His pain?

For me who scorned His perfect love.


Amazing love!

How can it be

That you, my God

Should die for me?


You left His Father's throne above,

So free and infinite Your grace;

Emptied Yourself of all but love,

And bled for Adam's helpless race


Boldly I come before Your throne,

To claim your mercy immense and free.

No greater love could e'er be known,

For oh my God it found out me.


154: He Is Wonderful

All praises be to the King of Kings,

And the Lord our God, He is wonderful.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah,

Hal-le-lu-jah, He is wonderful.

Hallelujah, salvation and glory,

Honor and power, He is wonderful.

For the Lord our God is mighty,

The Lord our God is omnipotent

Our God He is wonderful

155: Above All

Above all powers, above all kings,

Above all nature and all created things.

Above all wisdom and all the ways of man,

You were here before the world began.

Above all kingdoms, above all thrones,

Above all wonders this world has ever known.

Above all wealth and treasures of the earth,

There's no way to measure what You're worth.

Crucified, laid behind the stone,

You lived to die, rejected and alone.

Like a rose, trampled on the ground,

You took the fall and thought of me above all.

156: You Have Been Good

(Girls echo the first two lines of each verse)

Oh, Lord, You have been good.

You have been faithful, to all generations.

Oh, Lord, Your steadfast love,

And tender mercies have been my salvation.

For by your hand. We have been fed.

And by your spirit, We have been led.

Oh, Lord, Almighty God.

Father unchanging, Upright and holy.

Oh, Lord, You have been good.

You have been faithful.

You have been Good!

157: Good To Me

I cry out for Your hand of mercy to heal me.

I am weak and I need Your love to free me,

Oh Lord, my rock, my strength in weakness,

Come rescue me, oh Lord.

You are my hope Your promise never fails me,

And my desire is to follow You forever.

For you are good, for you are good,

For you are good to me.

For you are good, for you are good,

For you are good to me.

158: You're The One

Lord, the people praise you! (Echo)

Lift you up and raise you! (Echo)

You are the Holy One! (Echo)

You're the One! You're the only One!

Lord, the people love You, (Echo)

Place nobody above You. (Echo)

You are the Holy One! (Echo)

You're the One! You're the only One!

Singing Halle, halle, hallelu (Echo)

All the Glory is due You! (Echo)

For You are the Holy One! (Echo)

You're the One! You're the only One!

Bless Your name Lord Jesus, (Echo)

The only name that frees us. (Echo)

You are the Holy One! (Echo)

You're the One! You're the only One!

We will praise You right here and now, (Echo)

Lest the hills and rocks cry out. (Echo)

You are the Holy One! (Echo)

You're the One! You're the only One!

Singing Halle, halle, hallelu (Echo)

All the Glory is due You! (Echo)

You're the One! You're the only One!

If we had ten thousand hands, (Echo)

We would bless you as You command. (Echo)

You are the Holy One! (Echo)

You're the One! You're the only One!

If we had ten thousand tongues, (Echo)

We would bless you with ev'ry one. (Echo)

You are the Holy One! (Echo)

You're the One! You're the only One!

Singing Halle, halle, hallelu (Echo)

All the Glory is due You! (Echo)

For You are the Holy One! (Echo)

You're the One! You're the only One!

159: O Lord You're Beautiful

O Lord, You're beautiful,

Your face is all I seek;

For when Your eyes are on this child,

Your grace abounds to me.

O Lord, please light the fire,

That once burned bright and clear;

Replace the lamp of my first love,

That burns with holy fear.

160: Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross

Jesus, Jesus, keep me near to the precious cross

That's where the fountain is flowing so freely

It's free to everyone who looks to the Lord

I can see that it's flowing from Mt. Calvary

(Men repeat while women sing)

Jesus, keep me near the cross

There a precious fountain

Free to all a healing stream

Flows from Calvary's mountain.


In the cross, in the cross, be my glory ever


Til my raptured soul shall find

Rest beyond the river


Wait until my raptured soul shall find

Peace and rest, I can find it with Jesus

On the far river shore.

161: This Is The Day (That The Lord Has Made)

This is the day, this is the day

That the Lord has made, that the Lord has made.

I will rejoice, I will rejoice

And be glad in it, and be glad in it

This is the day that the Lord has made.

I will rejoice and be glad in it.

This is the day, this is the day

That the Lord has made.

162: We Bring The Sacrifice Of Praise

We bring the sacrifice of Praise

Into the house of the Lord;

We bring the sacrifice of Praise

Into the house of the Lord.

And we offer up to You the sacrifices

Of thanksgiving.

And we offer up to you the sacrifices of joy.

163: Open The Eyes Of My Heart

Open the eyes of my heart Lord.

Open the eyes of my heart.

I want to see You, I want to see You.


To see You high and lifted up.

Shining in the light of Your glory,

Pour out Your power and love.

As we sing holy, holy, holy.

Holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy.

164: Lord Reign In Me

Over all the earth, You reign on high,

Every mountain stream, every sunset sky,

But my one request, Lord my ony aim,

Is that You'd reign in me again!


Lord reign in me, Reign in your power

Over all my dreams, in my darkest hour,

You are the Lord of all I am,

So won't you reign in me again!

Over every though, over every word,

May my life reflect the beauty of my Lord,

‘Cause you mean more to me than any earthly ting,

So won't you reign in me again!


165: Days Of Elijah

These are the days of Elijah,

Declaring the word of the Lord:

And these are the days of Your servant Moses,

Righteousness being restored.

And though these are days of great trial,

Of famine and darkness and sword,

Still, we are the voice in the desert crying

‘Prepare ye the way of the Lord!'


Behold he Comes riding on the clouds,

Shining like the sun at the trumpet call;

Lift your voice, it's the year of jubilee,

And out of Zion's hill salvation comes.

These are the days of Ezekiel,

The dry bones becoming as flesh;

And these are the days of Your servant David,

Rebuilding a temple of praise.

These are the days of the harvest,

The fields are as white in Your world,

And we are the laborers in Your vineyard,

Declaring the word of the Lord!


166: Salvation Belongs To Our God

Salvation belongs to our God,

Who sits upon the throne.

And unto the Lamb,

Praise and glory,

Wisdom and thanks,

Honor and power and strength.


Be to our God, forever and ever,

Be to our God, forever and ever,

Be to our God, forever and ever,


And we the redeemed shall be strong,

In purpose and in unity.

Declaring aloud,

Praise and glory,

Wisdom and thanks,

Honor and power and strength.


167: Come, Now Is The Time To Worship

Come, now is the time to worship

Come, now is the time to give your heart

Come, just as you are to worship

Come, just as you are before your God


One day every tongue will confess You are God

One day every knee will bow

Still, the greatest treasure remains for those

Who gladly choose You now.

(Repeat 1st verse)

168: The Lord Bless You And Keep You

The Lord bless you and keep you,

The Lord lift His countenance upon you,

And give you peace (and give you peace),

And give you peace (and give you peace),

The Lord make His face shine upon you,

And be gracious (and be gracious) unto you, be gracious,

The Lord be gracious, gracious unto you. Amen.

169: Worthy Is The Lamb (Thank You For The Cross, Lord)

Thank You for the cross, Lord.

Thank You for the price You paid.

Bearing all my sin and shame,

In love You came and gave amazing grace.

Thank you for this love, Lord.

Thank you for the nail-pierced hands.

Washed me in your cleansing flow,

Now all I know, Your forgiveness and embrace.


Worthy is the Lamb

Seated on the throne.

Crown You now with many crowns,

You reign victorious,

High and lifted up,

Jesus, Son of God,

The darling of heaven crucified.

Worthy is the Lamb.

Worthy is the Lamb.

(Repeat verse and chorus)

Worthy is the Lamb. (repeat 3 times)

170: Here I Am To Worship

Light of the world, you stepped down into darkness.

Opened my eyes, let me see.

Beauty that made this heart adore You,

Hope of a life spent with You.


Here I am to worship.

Here I am to bow down.

Here I am to say that You're my God.

You're altogether lovely,

Altogether worthy,

Altogether wonderful to me.

King of all days,

Oh so highly exalted,

Glorious in heaven above.

Humbly you came to the earth you created

All for love's sake became poor.


I'll never know how much it cost

To see my sins up on that cross.


Light of the world, You stepped down into darkness

Opened my eyes, let me see.

171: Wonderful, Merciful Savior

Wonderful, merciful Savior,

Precious redeemer and friend,

Who would have thought that a Lamb could

Rescue the souls of men?

Oh, You rescue the souls of men!


You are the One that we praise

You are the One we adore,

You give the healing and grace,

Our hearts always hunger for.

Oh, our hearts always hunger for.

Counselor, comforter, keeper,

Sprit we long to embrace,'

You offer hope when our hearts have

Hopelessly lost the way

Oh, we've hopelessly lost the way.


Almighty, infinite Father,

Faithfully loving your own.

Here in our weakness You find us,

Falling before Your throne.

Oh, we're falling before your throne.


172: We Are One In The Spirit

We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord,

We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord,

And we pray that our unity may one day be restored,

And they'll know we are Christians, by our love by our love,

Yes, they'll know we are Christians by our love.

We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand,

We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand,

And together we'll spread the news that God is in our land,

And they'll know we are Christians, by our love, by our love,

Yes, they'll know we are Christians by our love.

All praises to the Father, from whom all things come,

And all praise to Christ Jesus, His only Son,

All praise to the Spirit, who makes us one,

And they'll know we are Christians, by our love, by our love,

yes, they'll know we are Christians by our love.

173: Blessed Be The Lord God Almighty

Father in Heaven, how we love You,

We lift Your name in all the earth,

May Your kingdom be established in our praises,

As Your people declare Your mighty works.

Blessed be the Lord God almighty,

Who was, and is, and is to come;

Blessed be the Lord God almighty,

Who reigns forevermore.

174: Blessed Be Your Name

Blessed be your name

In the land that is plentiful

Where the streams of abundance flow

Blessed be your name

Blessed be your name

When I'm found in the desert place

Though I walk through the wilderness

Blessed be your name

Every blessing you pour out, I turn back to praise

When the darkness closes in Lord, Still I will say

Blessed be the name of the Lord

Blessed be your name

Blessed be the name of the Lord

Blessed be your glorious name

Blessed be your name

When the sun's shining down on me

When the world's all as it should be

Blessed be your name

Blessed be your name

On the road marked with suffering

Though there's pain in the offering

Blessed be your name

Every blessing you pour out, I turn back to praise

When the darkness closes in, Lord, Still I will say

Blessed be the name of the Lord

Blessed be your name

Blessed be the name of the Lord

Blessed be your glorious name

You give and take away, You give and take away

My heart will choose to say

Lord, blessed be your name

You give and take away, You give and take away

My heart will choose to say

Lord, blessed be your name

You give and take away (Every blessing you pour out I)

You give and take away (turn back to praise)

My heart will choose to say (When the darkness closes in Lord)

Lord, Blessed be your name (still I will say)

Blessed be the name of the Lord

Blessed be your name

Blessed be the name of the Lord

Blessed be your glorious name


175: You Are Worthy, Of My Praise

(Men lead, Ladies echo)

I will worship

Will all of my heart

I will praise You

With all of my strength.

I will seek You

All of my days.

I will follow

All of Your ways.

(all parts together)

I will give You all my worship.

I will give You all my praise.

You alone I long to worship.

You alone are worthy of my praise.

(Men lead, Ladies echo)

I will bow down.

Hail You as King.

I will serve You,

Give You everything.

I will lift up

My eyes to Your throne

I will trust You,

I will trust You alone.

(all parts together)

I will give You all my worship.

I will give You all my praise.

You alone I long to worship.

You alone are worthy of my praise.

(all parts together)

I will give You all my worship.

I will give You all my praise.

You alone I long to worship.

You alone are worthy of my praise.

Lord, You're worthy of my praise.

Lord, You're worthy of my praise.

176: Still

Hide me now

Under your wings

Cover me

Within you mighty hand



When the oceans rise and thunders roar

I will soar with you above the storm

Father you are king over the flood

I will be still and know you are God

Find rest my soul

In Christ alone

Know his power

In quietness and trust

(Chorus x2)


I will be still and know you are God.

177: I Need You More

I need You more, more than yesterday.

I need You more, more than words can say.

I need You more than ever before.

I need You, Lord. I need You, Lord.

I need You more, more than yesterday.

I need You more, more than words can say.

I need You more than ever before.

I need You, Lord. I need you, Lord.

More than the air I breath,

More than the song I sing,

More than the next heartbeat,

More than anything,

And Lord, as time goes by,

I'll be by You side,

‘Cause I never want to go back to my old life.

I need You more, more than yesterday.

I need You more, more than words can say.

I need You more than ever before.

I need You, Lord.

I need You, Lord.

178: Blessed Jesus

Blessed Jesus come to me,

Soothe my soul with rays of peace

As I look to You alone, fill me with Your love.

Mountains high or valleys low

You will never let me go.

By You fountain let me drink;

Fill my thirsty soul.

Glorious, marvelous grace that rescued me;

Holy worthy is the Lamb who died for me.

Blessed Jesus come to me,

As I fall down at Your feet

Let me touch Your nail-scarred hands

Jesus I would see.

Glorious, marvelous grace that rescued me;

Holy, worthy, is the Lamb who died for me.

Holy, worthy, Holy,

Worthy is the lamb who died for me;

Is the lamb who died for me!

179: As The Deer Thirsts

(Men lead, Ladies echo)

As the deer

Thirsts for the water, Lord,

So my soul

Longs after you.

My soul

Thirsts for the Living God.

Yes, my soul

Longs after You.

(all parts together)

And I pour out my soul deep within me,

Deep within me I pour out my soul.

Draw me deeper, Lord,

Deeper Lord, in You.

Draw me deeper, Lord,

Deeper Lord, in You.

(Men lead, Ladies echo)

As the deer

Thirsts for the water, Lord,

So my soul

Longs after you.

My soul

Thirsts for the Living God.

Yes, my soul

Longs after You.

(all parts together)

And I pour out my soul deep within me,

Deep within me I pour out my soul.

Draw me deeper, Lord,

Deeper Lord, in You.

Draw me deeper, Lord,

Deeper Lord, in You.

And I pour out my soul deep within me, (Hope in God for the help of His presence.)

Deep within me I pour out my soul. (Hope in God, oh my soul.)

Draw me deeper, Lord, deeper Lord, in You. (Hope in God, oh my soul.)

Draw me deeper, Lord, deeper Lord, in You.

180: How Great Is Our God

The splendor of a king clothed in majesty

Let all the earth rejoice, all the earth rejoice

He wraps Himself in light

And darkness tires to hide

It trembles at His voice, trembles at His voice.


How great is our God

Sing with me, how great is our God

And all will see how great,

How great is our God!

And age to age He stands

And time is in His hands

Beginning and the end,

Beginning and the end.

The God-head three in one,

Father, spirit, Son.

The lion and the lamb

The lion and the lamb!

(Chorus x2)

How great (name above all names) is our God

Sing with me how great (worthy of our praise) is our God

And all will see how great (my heart will sing)

How great is our God!


181: Before The Throne Of God Above

Before the throne of God above

I have a strong, a perfect plea

A great High Priest whose name is Love

Who ever lives and pleads for me.

My name is graven on His hands,

My name is written on His heart.

I know that while in heav'n He stands

No tongue can bid me thence depart;

No tongue can bid me thence depart.

When Satan tempts me to despair,

And tells me of the guilt within

Upward I look and see Him there

Who made an end to all my sin.

Because the sinless Savior died,

My sinful soul is counted free.

Fro God the Just is satisfied

To look on Him and pardon me,

To look on Him and pardon me.

Behold Him there, the risen Lamb,

My perfect spotless Righteousness,

The great unchangeable I AM,

The King of Glory and of Grace

One with Himself, I cannot die.

My soul is purchased by His blood,

My life is hid with Christ on high,

With Christ my Savior and my God,

With Christ my Savior and my God.

182: Psalm 23

You oh Lord are my Shepherd

I will never want

You will let me rest, (repeat 2x)

You led to streams of peacefulness

You restore my soul (repeat 2x)

You will guide me in the paths of righteousness

For your name's sake

I may walk through a valley as dark as death

But I will not fear, no I will not fear

You are with me Lord and your rod and staff

Oh they comfort me, Lord, they comfort me

You have made a place before my enemies

Where I belong

Oh Lord you lead the way, with your wisdom you

Guide me, Oh Lord you keep me safe in the shelter of your wings

You pour out your oil upon my head

And you fill my cup, Lord you fill my cup

Your love and your kindness will go with me

Over all my life, over all my life

I will live forever with you in your house

O Lord my God, O Lord my God

183: For All You've Done

O cleanser of the mess I've made

Upon the hill our places trade

Stretched on a cross your body crushed

By human hands you formed from dust


How wonderful you mercy is

How awesome are your ways

I come, I come, to worship you

For all you've done

O cleanser of the mess I've made

Your boundless love for me portrayed

With patience for my learning curve

By holding back what I deserve


O cleanser of the mess I've made

With everything at your feet laid

I watch as all my cares erode

As from my soul these words explode


I come, I come, to worship you

For all you've done.

184: Magnificat

(Sopranos 1st, Basses 2nd, Altos 3rd, tenors 4th)

(Everyone sing one more time)


My soul magnifies the Lord

My spirit rejoices in God my savior

My soul magnifies the Lord

My spirit rejoices in God


Glory be to God the Father

Glory be to God the Son

Glory be to God the Spirit

Glory be to God


He has been mindful of his servant

He has been mindful of me

I will be blessed forever, forever

I will be blessed by the Lord


God alone is mighty, mighty

Our God alone has done great things

God alone is worthy, worthy

Holy is his name

185: Shout Hallelujah!


Shout hallelujah! Shout hallelujah!

Shout hallelujah unto the Lord!

Shout hallelujah! Shout hallelujah!

Shout hallelujah unto the Lord!

Sing aloud to God

Let the people shout before His throne!

Hallelujah! Sing aloud to God

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord!


(Men lead, Ladies echo)

From the ends of the earth,

From the depths of the sea,

(all parts together)

Let all creation praise His name!


Shout hallelujah! Shout hallelujah!

Shout hallelujah unto the Lord!

Shout hallelujah! Shout hallelujah!

Shout hallelujah unto the Lord!

Shout --- hallelujah!

Shout --- hallelujah!

Shout --- hallelujah!

Shout hallelujah unto the Lord!

186: Give Thanks To The Lord

Give thanks to the Lord for the works of His hand

For a Kingdom that cannot be shaken.

Give thanks to the Lord for we all now can stand

And fear not of being forsaken.


Give thanks to the Lord for His righteousness.

Give thanks to the Lord for His love.

Let us worship His name and His holiness.

Give thanks to the Lord.

Oh, give thanks to the Lord,

Give thanks.

Give thanks to the Father for sending the Son.

Give thanks to the Son for the Spirit.

Now lift up your voices to God Three in One,

And shout so the whole world can hear it.

(Chorus x2)

Give thanks.

187: That's Why We Praise Him

He came to live (to live)

Live a perfect life.

He came to be (to be)

The living Word, our Light.

He came to die so we'd be reconciled.

He came to rise (to rise)

To show His pow'r and might!


That's why we praise Him

That's why we sing.

That's why we offer Him our everything.

That's why we bow down and worship this King.

‘cause He gave His everything,

‘cause He gave His everything.

He came to live (to live)

Live again in us.

He came to be (to be)

Our conquering King and Friend.

He came to heal and show the lost ones His love.

He came to go (to go)

Prepare a place for us.


Halle, hallelujah!

Halle, hallelujah!

Halle, hallelujah!

Halle, hallelujah!


188: In Christ Alone

In Christ alone my hope is found

He is my light, my strength, my song

This cornerstone, this solid ground

Firm thru the fiercest drought and storm

What heights of love, what depths of peace,

When fears are stilled, when strivings cease

My comforter, my all in all,

Here in the love of Christ I stand!

In Christ alone who took on flesh

Fullness of God in helpless babe

This gift of love and righteousness

Scorned by the ones he came to save

‘Til on that Cross as Jesus died

The wrath of God was satisfied

For every sin on him was laid

Here in the death of Christ I live

There in the ground his body lay

Light of the world by darkness slain

Then bursting forth in glorious day

Up from the grave he rose again

And as he stands in victory

Sin's curse has lost its grip on me

For I am his and he is mine

Bought with the precious blood of Christ

No guilt in life, no fear in death

This is the power of Christ in me

From life's first cry to final breath

Jesus commands my destiny

No power of hell no scheme of man

Can ever pluck me from his hand

Till he returns or calls me home

Here in the power of Christ I'll stand

189: How Can I Keep From Singing

There is an endless song

Echoes in my soul,

I hear the music ring.

And though the storms may come,

I am holding on,

And to the Rock I cling.

How can I keep from singing your praise?

How can I ever say enough?

How amazing is Your love!

How can I keep from shouting Your name?

I know I am loved by the King,

And it makes my heart want to sing.

I will lift my eyes

In the darkest night,

For I know my Savior lives.

And I will walk with You

Knowing You'll see me through,

And sing the songs You give.

How can I keep from singing your praise?

How can I ever say enough?

How amazing is Your love!

How can I keep from shouting Your name?

I know I am loved by the King,

And it makes my heart… (Repeat)

I know I am loved by the King,

And it makes my heart want to sing.

190: No Sweeter Name

No sweeter name than the name of Jesus,

No sweeter name have I ever known

No sweeter name than the name of Jesus.

No sweeter name than the name of Jesus,

No sweeter name have I ever known

No sweeter name than the name of Jesus.


You are the Life to my heart and my soul

You are the Light to the darkness around me

You are the Hope to the hopeless and broken

You are the only Truth and the Way

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus

191: What The Lord Has Done In Me

Let the weak say I am strong,

Let the poor say I am rich;

Let the blind say I can see,

It's what the Lord has done in me.


Hosanna, Hosanna, to the Lamb that was slain;

Hosanna, Hosanna, Jesus died and rose again.

Into the river I will wade,

There my sins are washed away;

From the heaven's mercy streams;

Of the Savior's love for me.


I will rise from the waters deep

Into the saving arms of God;

I will sing salvation songs,

Jesus Christ has set me free.


Let the weak say I am strong,

Let the poor say I am rich;

Let the blind say I can see,

It's what the Lord has done in me.

192: Beautiful One

Wonderful, so wonderful is your unfailing love

Your cross has spoken mercy over me (over me)

No eye has seen, no ear has heard,

No heart could fully know

How glorious, how beautiful you are

Beautiful one I love, beautiful one I adore

Beautiful one my souls must sing

Powerful, so powerful, your glory fills the skies

Your mighty works displayed for all to see (all to see)

The beautiful of your majesty

Awakes my heart to sing

How marvelous, how wonderful you are


Beautiful one I love, beautiful one I adore

Beautiful one my soul must sing

Beautiful one I love, beautiful one I adore

Beautiful one my soul must sing

You opened my eyes to wonders anew

You captured my heart with this love

‘cause nothing on Earth is as beautiful as you



193: Desert Song

This is my prayer in the desert

And all that's within me feels dry

This is my prayer in the hunger in me

My God is a God who provides

And this is my prayer in the fire

In weakness or trial or pain

There is a faith proved

Of more worth than gold

So refine me Lord through the flame


And I will bring praise

I will bring praise

No weapon forged against me shall remain

I will rejoice

I will declare

God is my victory and He is here

This is my prayer in the battle

And triumph is still on it's way

I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ

So firm on His promise I'll stand

This is my prayer in the harvest

When favor and providence flow

I know I'm filled to be emptied again

The seed I've received I will sow



All of my life

In every season

You are still Go

I have a reason to sing

I have a reason to worship

194: A Shield About Me

Thou O Lord art a shield about me

You're my glory, You're the lifter of my head


Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah

You're the lifter of my head

Thou O Lord art a shield about me

You're the lifter of my head


Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah

You're the lifter of my head


195: Inside Out

In the heart of me there's a mystery

In my weakness there is still

Goodness not my own that comes from God alone

And it cannot be known until


You turn me inside out so that I can be

A reflection of the One who made me

So the world can see that it's Christ in me Lord

Turn me inside out, Turn me inside out

What my pride conceals, Lord your truth reveals

And Your grace is seen somehow

There is mercy when in spite of who I've been

Your glory dwells within me now



Whatever else you see

The only good in me is Jesus, Jesus

Whatever else you see

The only good in me is Jesus, Jesus

196: 10,000 Reasons


Bless the Lord, O my soul, O my soul;

Worship his holy name. Sing like never before,

O my soul, I'll worship your holy name.

The sun comes up, it's a new day dawning,

It's time to see your song again.

What ever may pass, and whatever lies before me,

Let me be singing when the evening comes


You're rich in love and you're slow to anger,

Your name is great and you heart is kind

For all your goodness I will keep on singing

Ten thousand reasons for my heart to find


And on that day when my strength is failing,

The end draws near, and my time has come;

Still my soul will song your praise unending

Ten thousand years and then forever more


I'll worship your holy name,

I'll worship your holy name

197: Just As I Am (I Come Broken)

Just as I am without one plea

But that thy blood was shed for me

And that thou bidd'st me come to thee.

O Lamb of God I come, I come.

Just as I am and waiting not

To rid my soul of one dark blot

To thee whose blood can cleanse each spot.

O Lamb of God I come, I come.


I come broken to be mended

I come wounded to be healed

I come desperate to be rescued

I com empty to be filled

I come guilty to be pardoned

By the blood of Christ the lamb

And I'm welcomed with open arms

Praise God Just as I am

Just as I am I would be lost

But mercy and grace my freedom bought

And now to glory in your cross

O Lamb of God I come, I come.

(Chorus x2)

Praise God Just as I am

198: Had It Not Been The Lord

Had it not bee the Lord who was on our side

Had it not bee the Lord who was on our side

The anger of the enemy would have swallowed us alive

Had it not been the Lord who was on our side


Blessed be the Lord who would not give us up

Blessed be the Lord for his unfailing love

The snare is broken and we have escaped

Our help is in the name of the Lord

Blessed be the Lord

Had it not been the Lord who was on our side

Had it not been the Lord who was on our side

The water would have engulfed us

We would have surely died

Had it not been the Lord who was on our side

(Chorus x2)


Blessed be the Lord who would not give us up

Blessed be the Lord for his unfailing love

The snare is broken and we have escaped

Our help is in the name of the Lord

Blessed be the Lord who would not give up


Our help is in the name of the Lord

Blessed be the Lord

199: Be Unto Your Name

We are a moment, You are forever

Lord of the Ages, God before time

We are a vapor, You are eternal

Love everlasting, reigning on high


Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty

Worthy is the lamb who was slain

Highest praises, honor and glory

Be unto Your name, be unto Your name

We are the broken, You are the healer

Jesus, Redeemer, mighty to save

You are the love song we'll sing forever

Bowing before You, blessing Your name

(Chorus x2)

200: Let God Arise

(Leader sings / Congregation echoes)

Hear the holy roar of God resound

Watch the waters part before us now


Come and see what he has done for us

Tell the world of his great love

Our God is a God who saves

Our God is a God who saves


Let God arise

Let God arise

Our God reigns now and forever

He reigns now and forever


Let god Arise

Our God reigns now and forever

He reigns now and forever

(Leader sings/ Congregation echoes)

His enemies will run for sure

The Church will stand, she will endure


He holds the keys of life our Lord

Death has no sting, no final word

Our God is a God who saves

Our God is a God who saves


(Men Only)

Our God is a God who saves

Our God is a God who saves


Our God is a God who saves

Our God is a God who saves

Let God arise,

Let God arise

Our God reigns now and forever

He reigns now and forever


Let God arise

Our God reigns now and forever

He Reigns now and forever

Let God arise

201: I Will Rise

There's a peace I've come to know

Though my heart and flesh may fail

There's an anchor for my soul

I can say it is well

Jesus has overcome and the grave is overwhelmed

The victory is won He is risen from the dead

And I will rise when calls my name

No more sorrow no more pain

I will rise on eagle's wings

Before my God and fall on my knees

And rise, I will rise

There's a day that's drawing near

When this darkness breaks to light

And the shadows disappear

And my faith shall be my eyes

Jesus has overcome and the grave is overwhelmed

The victory is won

He is risen from the dead

And I will rise when He calls my name

No more sorrow no more pain

I will rise on eagle's wings

Before my God and fall on my knees

And rise, I will rise

And I hear the voice of many angels sing

Worthy is the lamb

And I hear the cry of every longing heart

Worthy is the lamb

And I hear the voice of many angels sing

Worthy is the Lamb

And I hear the cry of every longing heart

Worthy is the lamb, Worthy is the lamb.

I will rise when He calls my name

No more sorrow no more pain

I will rise on eagle's wings

Before my God fall on my knees

And rise, I will rise

I Will Rise

202: Let Us Adore

(Men Sing / Women Echo)

Let us adore

The ever-living God

And render praise unto him

Who set out the heavens

And established the earth

And whose glory in manifest

Throughout all the earth


He is our God (echo)

He is our God (echo)

There is no one else


(Men Sing / Women Echo)

I praise your name

Most high and awesome God

And lift my hands unto you

You saved my soul

On a rugged tree

Now I praise you

And server you Lord throughout eternity

(Chorus x4)

You are my God (echo)

You are my God (echo)

There is no one else


There is no one else

There is no one else

203: Ancient Words

Holy words long preserved

For our walk in this world

They resound with God's own heart

Oh, let the ancient words impart

Words of life, words of hope

Give us strength, help us cope

In this world, where e'er we roam

Ancient words will guide us home


Ancient words ever true

Changing me and changing you

We have come with open hearts

Oh let the ancient words impart

Holy words of our faith

Handed down to this age

Came to us through sacrifice

Oh heed the faithful words of Christ

Holy Words long preserved

For our walk in this world

They resound with God's own heart

Oh let the ancient words impart


204: Mighty God

You are the sunshine and I am a candle

You are the mountain and I am a hill

You are the ocean and I am a river

Winding and swirling and never quite still

Winding and swirling and never quite still

You are the canyon and I am a crevice

You are the heavens and I am a star

you are the thunder and I am whisper

Quietly longing to be where you are

Quietly longing to be where you are


You are a Mighty God

Your deeds are so awesome

Mighty God, I stand amazed

You are a Mighty God, I worship You only

You are so mighty and worthy of praise (Repeat 3 times)

You are the eagle and I am a sparrow

You are the lion and I am a lamb

You are the fire and I am an ember

Fanned into flame by the glorious I am

Fanned into flame by the glorious I am



You are a Mighty God (Guys sing girls echo)

You are a Mighty God (Guys sing girls echo)

You are so Mighty and I am unworthy

But I will worship you


205: Glory To God Forever

Before the world was made

Before you spoke it to be

You were the King of kings,

Yeah you were, yeah you were

And now you're reigning still

Enthroned above all things

Angels and saints cry out

We join them as we sing


Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to God forever.

And we sing

Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God forever.

Creator God you gave me breath

So I could praise your great and matchless name.

All my days, all my days

So let my whole life be a blazing offering

A life that shouts and sings

The greatness of our King



Take my life and let it be,

All for you and for your glory.

Take my life and let it be yours (x2)


206: He Will Rejoice Over You (Zep. 3:17)

The lord our God is with you

He is mighty to save

The lord will take great delight in you

He will quiet you with his love



He will rejoice over you

He will rejoice over you

If you could only hear his voice

You would hear the Lord rejoice

Rejoicing over you with singing


207: Let Us Worship The Father

Let us worship the Father. Worship the Father.

Worship the Father of glory.

Let us worship the Father. Worship the Father.

Worship the Father of love.


And we will glorify, we will glorify the Lord (x2)

Sing your praise to the Father. Praise to the Father.

Praise to the Father of glory.

Sing your praise to the Father. Praise to the Father.

Praise to the Father of love.


Lift your hands to the Father. Hands to the Father.

Hands to the Father of glory.

Lift you hands to the Father. Hands to the Father.

Hands to the Father of Love.


208: Mighty To Save

Everyone needs compassion, love that's never failing.

Let mercy fall on me

Everyone needs forgiveness, the kindness of a savior.

The hope of nations.


Savior, He can move the mountains.

My God is mighty to save, he is mighty to save.

Forever author of salvation, he rose and conquered the grave.

Jesus conquered the grave.

So take me as you find me, all my fears and failures.

Fill my life again.

I give my life to follow, everything I believe in.

Now I surrender.



Shine your light and let the whole world see.

We're singing for the glory of the risen King. Jesus!

Shine your light and let the whole world see.

We're singing for the glory of the risen King.

(Chorus x2 with key change on final chorus)

209: Beautiful Lamb Of God


Beautiful Lamb of God

Guiltless and pure as snow

Gentle and merciful

Beautiful Lamb of God

Sent from the Father's love

Sent from the fold above

Sent to redeem us with His blood


Behold the Lamb of God

Suffering great pain for us

And by His wounds we all are healed


Like sheep we've gone astray

Each turned to His own way

But Jesus will take our sins away

(Chorus x2)

210: Said I wasn't

Said I wasn't gonna tell anybody but I..

(Couldn't keep it to myself)

No I…

(couldn't keep it to myself)

Said I wasn't gonna tell anybody but I…

(couldn't keep it to myself)

What the Lord has done for me (for me).

You ought to been there… (ought to been there)

When he saved my soul… (Saved my soul)

You ought to been there… (ought to been there)

When he wrote my name on the roll.

I'll keep walkin' and

I'll keep talkin' and

I'll keep singin' and

I'll keep shoutin'

What the Lord has done for me.

Additional Verses:

Sing about it,

Pray about it,

Shout about it

211: How Deep The Father's Love

How deep the Father's love for us

How vast beyond all measure

That He should give His only Son

To make a wretch His treasure

How great the pain of searing loss

The Father turns his face away

As wounds which mar the Chosen One

Bring many sons to glory.

Behold the man upon a cross

My sin upon His shoulders

Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice

Call out among the scoffers

It was my sin that held Him there

Until it was accomplished

His dying breath has brought me life

I know that it is finished

I will not boast in anything

No gifts, no power, no wisdom

But I will boast in Jesus Christ

His death and resurrection

Why should I gain from his reward?

I cannot give an answer

But this I know with all my heart

His wounds have paid my ransom


But this I know with all my heart

His wounds have paid my ransom

212: El Shaddai


El Shaddai, El Shaddai,

El-Elyon Na Adonai,

Age to age you're still the same,

By the power of the Name.

El Shaddai, El Shaddai,

Erkamka Na Adonai,

We Will Praise And Lift You High,

El Shaddai.

Through your love and through the ran,

You saved the son of Abraham;

Through the power of your hand,

Turned the sea into dry land.

To the outcast on her knees,

You were the God who really sees,

And by your might,

You set your children free.


Through the years you've made it clear

That the time of Christ was near,

Though the people couldn't see

What messiah ought to be.

Though your word contained the plan,

They just could not understand

Your most awesome work was done

Through the frailty of your son.

(Chorus x2)

213: Surround Us Lord

As the mountains surround Jerusalem

So the Lord surrounds his people

As the mountains surround Jerusalem

So the Lord surrounds his people


Surround us Lord

Surround us Oh Lord

We need to be in your presence

Surround us Lord

(Repeat from beginning)



Surround us Lord

214: Jehovah Jireh

Jehovah Jireh

My provider

His grace is sufficient

Fro me, for me, for me

Jehovah Jireh

My Provider

His Grace is sufficient

For me

My God shall supply all my needs

According to His riches in glory

He will give His angels

Charge over me

Jehovah Jireh cares for me, for me, for me

Jehovah Jireh cares for me

(Repeat from the beginning)


My God shall supply all my needs

According to His riches in glory

He will give His angels

Charge over me

Jehovah Jireh cares for me, for me, for me

Jehovah Jireh cares for me, for me, for me

Jehovah Jireh cares for me

215: Faithful



Let us be faithful, faithful faithful Lord.

Let us be faithful, faithful Lord.


Though we cannot see, we still believe.

Let us be faithful, faithful Lord.

We believe in a God who is able

To bring justice and mercy to all.

And He promises strength for the journey

To the steadfast who answer the call


We believe in the truth of the Bible,

In its power and purpose today.

There is meaning and life in its pages.

We believe and we choose to obey.


We believe that He's calling His people

To embody His story of grace.

Bringing rescue and hope to the broken,

May our lives be an off'ring of praise.



Let us be faith - ful.

Let us be faith - - - ful.

Thought we cannot see, we still believe.

Let us be faithful, faithful Lord.

Let us be faith - ful.

Let us be faith - - - ful.

Though we cannot see, we still believe.

Let us be faithful, faithful Lord.

Let us be faithful, faithful Lord.

216: Holy And Anointed One

Jesus. Jesus. Holy and anointed One. Jesus.

Jesus. Jesus. Holy and anointed One. Jesus.

Your name is like honey on my lips;

Your Spirit's like water to my soul;

Your Word is a lamp unto my feet

Jesus I love You. I love You.

Jesus. Jesus. Risen and exalted One. Jesus.

Your name is like honey on my lips;

Your Spirit's like water to my soul;

Your Word is a lamp unto my feet

Jesus I love You. I love You.

217: From The Inside Out

A thousand times I've failed

Still your mercy remains

Should I stumble again

Still I'm caught in your grace

Everlasting, your light will shine when all else fades

Never ending, your glory goes beyond all fame

Your will above all else

My purpose remains

The art of losing myself in bringing you praise

Everlasting, your light will shine when all else fades

Never ending, your glory goes beyond all fame

My heart and soul

I give you control

Consume me from the inside out Lord

Let justice and praise

Become my embrace

To love you from the inside out

Everlasting, you light will sine when all else fades

Never ending, your glory goes beyond all fame

And the cry of my heart is to bring you praise

From the inside out

Lord my soul cries out

Everlasting, your light will shine when all else fades

Never ending, your glory goes beyond all fame

And the cry of my heart is to bring you praise

From the inside out

Lord my soul cries out

From the inside out

Lord my soul cries out


218: Good Good Father

I've heard a thousand stories fo what they thing you're like

But I've heard the tender whisper of love in the dead of night

And you tell me that You're please

And that I'm never alone


You're a Good, Good Father

It's who You are, it's who You are, it's who You are

And I'm loved by You

It's who I am, it's who I am, it's who I am

I've seen many searching for answers far and wide

But I know we're all searching

For answers only you can provide

Cause you know just what we need

Before we, we say a word

(Chorus x2)


You are prefect in all of Your ways

You are prefect in all of Your ways

You are prefect in all of Your ways to us

You are prefect in all of Your ways

You are prefect in all of Your ways

You are prefect in all of Your ways to us

Love so undeniable

I can hardly speak

Peace so unexplainable

I can hardly think

As You call me deeper still

As You call me deeper still

You call me deeper still

Into love, love, love




To us

219: Every Praise

Every praise is to our God;

Every word of worship with one accord.

Every praise, every praise is to our God.

Sing hallelujah to our God;

Glory hallelujah is due our God.

Every praise, every praise is to our God.

Repeat from beginning

God my Savior,

God my healer,

God my deliverer;

Yes He is!

Yes He is!

***(Bass) My God,

(Soprano, Alto, Tenor) God my Savior,

(Bass) God my healer,

(Soprano, Alto, Tenor) God my healer,

(Bass) God my deliverer,

(Soprano, Alto, Tenor) God my deliverer,

(Bass) Yes He is,

(Soprano, Alto, Tenor) Yes He is,

(Bass) Yes He is!

(Soprano, Alto, Tenor) Yes He is!

Repeat *** section

Every praise is to our God;

Every word of worship with one accord.

Every praise, every praise is to our God.

Sing hallelujah to our God;

Glory hallelujah is due our God.

Every praise, every praise, every praise, every praise,

Every praise, every praise is to our God.

220: I Still Have Joy

I still have joy.

I still have joy.

After all the things we've been through,

I still have joy.

I still have peace.

I still have peace.

After all the things we've been through,

I still have peace.

I still have faith.

I still have faith.

After all the things we've been through,

I still have faith.

I still have hope.

I still have hope.

After all the things we've been through,

I still have hope.

I still have love.

I still have love.

After all the things we've been through,

I still have love.

I still have joy.

I still have joy.

After all the things we've been through,

After all the things we've been through,

After all the things we've been through,

I still have joy!

221: Let It Rise

Soprano Only:

Let the glory of the Lord rise among us.

Add Alto:

Let the glory of the Lord rise among us.

Add Tenor:

Let the praises of the King rise among us,

Let it rise; Let it rise.

Add Bass:

Let the songs of the Lord rise among us.

Let the songs of the Lord rise among us.

Let the joy of the King rise among us.

Let it rise; let it rise.


Oh, let it rise. (Let it rise.)

Oh, let it rise. (Let it rise.)

Let the glory of the Lord rise among us.

Let the glory of the Lord rise among us.

Let the praises of the King rise among us,

Let it rise; Let it rise.

Let the songs of the Lord rise among us.

Let the songs of the Lord rise among us.

Let the joy of the King rise among us,

Let it rise; Let it rise.

Oh, let it rise. (Let it rise.)

Oh, let it rise. (Let it rise.)

Let the glory of the Lord rise among us.

Let the glory of the Lord rise among us.

Let the praises of the King rise among us,

Let it rise; Let it rise

Oh, Oh, Oh,

Let it rise.

222: Make a Joyful Noise

Bass & Tenor:

Praise God, Praise God,

Praise God, Praise God.

Soprano & Alto:

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord

All ye, all ye lands.

Serve the Lord, serve Him with gladness.

Come before His presence with singing.

Know ye that the Lord He is God;

It is He, He that hath made us,

And not we, we ourselves

We are His people and the sheep of his pastures.

(Bass continue:

Praise God, Praise God,

Praise God, Praise God,)

Soprano, Alto & Tenor:

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving,

And into His courts with praise.

Be thankful, be thankful unto Him.

And bless, bless His name.

For the Lord, the Lord is good;

His mercy is everlasting.

And His truth, His truth endureth

To all, to all generations.

Thank You, Jesus.

Thank You, thank You, Jesus.

Thank You, Jesus.

Thank You, thank You, Jesus.

Thank You, Jesus.

Thank You, thank You, Jesus.

Thank You, Jesus.

Thank You, thank You, Jesus.

Hallelujah, glory hallelujah.

Hallelujah, glory hallelujah.

Hallelujah, glory hallelujah.

Hallelujah, glory hallelujah.


Praise God.

223: Only A Holy God

Who else commands all the hosts of heaven?

Who else could make every king bow down?

Who else could whisper and darkness tremble?

Only a holy God.

Come and behold Him,

The One and the Only,

Cry out! Sing holy!

Forever a Holy God.

Come and worship the Holy God.

What other beauty demands such praises?

What other splendor outshines the sun?

What other majesty rules with justice?

Only a holy God.

Come and behold Him,

The One and the Only,

Cry out! Sing holy!

Forever a Holy God.

Come and worship the Holy God.

What other glory consumes like fire?

What other power can raise the dead?

What other name remains undefeated?

Only a holy God.

Come and behold Him,

The One and the Only,

Cry out! Sing holy!

Forever a Holy God.

Come and worship the Holy God.

Who else could rescue me from my failing?

Who else would offer His only Son?

Who else invites me to call Him Father?

Only a holy God.

Come and behold Him,

The One and the Only,

Cry out! Sing holy!

Forever a Holy God.

Come and worship the Holy God.

Come and behold Him,

The One and the Only,

Cry out! Sing holy!

Forever a Holy God.

Come and worship the Holy God.

224: In Need

In need of grace,

in need of love,

In need of mercy raining down from high above.

In need of strength,

In need of peace,

In need of things that only You can give to me.

In need of Christ,

The perfect Lamb,

My refuge strong,

The Great I Am.

This is my song,

My humble plea;

I am Your child,

I am in need.

In need of grace,

in need of love,

In need of mercy raining down from high above.

In need of strength,

In need of peace,

In need of things that only You can give to me.

In need of Christ,

The perfect Lamb,

My refuge strong,

The Great I Am.

This is my song,

My humble plea;

I am Your child,

I am in need.

In need of Christ,

The perfect Lamb,

My refuge strong,

The Great I Am.

This is my song,

My humble plea;

I am Your child,

I am in need.

I am Your child,

I am in need.

225: The Reason

There's a reason I can sing.

There's a reason for this life inside me.

One Name above all names:

Jesus, yes it's Jesus.

There's a reason for this hope.

There's a reason for this place that I know.

One worthy of all praise:

Jesus, yes, it's Jesus.

I will lift my hands up.

I will raise my voice high.

I will shout out Your love

Till the day that I die.

Everything that I have,

All my worship I bring;

You're the reason I live;

You're the reason I sing.

You're the reason I live;

You're the reason I sing.

For the victory over sin.

For the goodness of Your grace each day.

I will bow and bless Your name.

Jesus, I thank you, Jesus.

I will lift my hands up.

I will raise my voice high.

I will shout out Your love

Till the day that I die.

Everything that I have,

All my worship I bring;

You're the reason I live;

You're the reason I sing.

You're the reason I live;

You're the reason I sing.

When my time on earth is through,

When my final breath has left these lungs,

I'll forever be with You,

Where the song goes on and on!

Everything that I have,

All my worship I bring;

You're the reason I live;

You're the reason I sing.

You're the reason I live;

You're the reason I sing.

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!


You're the reason I live;

You're the reason I sing.

You're the reason I live;

You're the reason I sing.